
Note on Leiningen

mtruyens opened this issue · 1 comments

I have not yet jumped on the CLJ deps train, and use Leiningen. I am very interested to try out Reveal in my Lein-based main project, but am struggling with converting the CLJ-parameters to Lein.

Any input?

Depends on your preferred repl type. IIRC lein uses nrepl by default, so supposedly you can just add a dev dependency on reveal and specify a middleware in the .nrepl.edn file as described here. I personally prefer socket repls, here is an example of using reveal entry point with leiningen:

  1. project.clj:
    (defproject com.example/reveal "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
     :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]]
     :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[vlaaad/reveal "1.0.128"]]}})
  2. shell:
    lein run -m vlaaad.reveal repl