
Online chat, based on react web-api

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hexlet tests and linter status:

Actions Status

Demo link



Real-time app on React aka minified Slack-chat. Backend on project-js-chat-backend by Hexlet team. The project is made with web sockets, interaction with REST API, use of React (with hooks), Redux (via reduxjs/toolkit), organization of routing on the client, authorization and authentication.


First of all user must enter the signup page, fill and submit the form. After the submitting, user will be redirected to the chat page. By the defaults, there're two channles # General and # Random. Every user is able to create, rename, delete new channels (exept default). Chat provides messages, usernames, channel names censorship by leo-profanity. Interface got two locales: russian and english, easy to manage by clicking the button.


Login page Login page

Signup page Signup page

Chat page Chat page


  1. Create and enter new dir
mkdir <dirname> && cd <dirname>
  1. Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/vlad1slove1/frontend-project-12.git
  1. Install depencies
make install
  1. Start app
make start

Makefile commands

make lint-frontend // cd into frontend and start linting
make install // install depencies
make start-frontend // cd into frontend and start frontend
make start-backend // cd into frontend and start backend
make start // start backend & start frontend
