
Primary LanguageC++

Project "Cipher"

This project represents the implementation of various encryption and hashing algorithms in the C++ programming language.


  1. LCG (Linear Congruential Generator)

    • Implementation of a linear congruential generator.
    • Build file: lcg_main.cpp
  2. Speck Cipher

    • Implementation of the Speck encryption algorithm.
    • Build file: speck_main.cpp
  3. Jenkins Hash

    • Implementation of the Jenkins hash function.
    • Build file: hash_main.cpp

How to Use

LCG (Linear Congruential Generator)

To use LCG, enter a string from the keyboard for encryption or decryption.


Speck Cipher

To use the Speck Cipher, pass the input and output file names as parameters.

./speck_encode input.txt output.txt
./speck_decode input.txt output.txt

Jenkins Hash

To use Jenkins Hash, enter a string from the keyboard for hashing.


Building the Project

The project uses CMake for building.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake <path_to_project_root>


The project includes tests using Google Test. You can run them using the following commands:


Or you can run


in your build directory


The project uses the Google Test library for testing. All necessary dependencies will be downloaded automatically during the build process.