
This repository is a mirror of https://gitlab.com/ornamentist/un-algebra. Please refer to that repository for PR's.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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Simple Rust implementations of selected abstract algebraic structures.


Mathematical abstract algebra is built on a rich collection of algebraic structures. Learning about these structures can give non-mathematicians insights into the mathematical entities they need to work with--for example, real numbers, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, and permutations. By definition, these structures must comply with sets of axioms and properties, which are in turn a rich source of properties for generative testing.

un_algebra (_un_derstanding _algebra_) is a simple implementation of selected algebraic structures in Rust. I hope it is useful for developers learning abstract algebra concepts for the first time. Currently this crate provides magma, semigroup, monoid, group, ring and field implementations.


See https://docs.rs/un_algebra


Please refer to the contributing guide.


Add un_algebra to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

un_algebra = "0.1.0"

Add a reference to un_algebra to your crate root:

extern crate un_algebra;

Production use

un_algebra is intended to support self-study of abstract algebraic structures--it is not optimized for use in a production environment. For production environments I recommend using a more sophisticated library like alga.


un_algebra currently requires Rust nightly as it makes use of the (experimental) external documentation feature.


I'm not a mathematician so my implementation of the various structures and their respective axioms in un_algebra may not be strictly correct. Please let me know of any errors.


un_algebra implements the relevant structure traits for all the Rust standard library integer and floating point numeric types, for example, an additive group for integer types i8, i16, i32, etc.

The Rust standard library has no support for complex numbers (ℂ) or rational numbers (ℚ) so I've used the complex and rational types from the [num] crate and implemented the conforming traits in the [complex] and [rational] modules.

In addition, the crate examples directory contains abstract structure implementations of selected concepts, for example, finite fields.


Rust's planned i128 type forms several un_algebra algebraic structures, starting with additive and multiplicative magmas (with "wrapping" or modular arithmetic):

pub use un_algebra::prelude::*;

impl AddMagma for i128 {
  fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {

impl MulMagma for i128 {
  fn mul(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {

i128 also forms additive and multiplicative semigroups:

impl AddSemigroup for i128 {}

impl MulSemigroup for i128 {}

And additive and multiplicative monoids with one and zero as the monoid identities:

impl AddMonoid for i128 {
  fn zero() -> Self {

impl MulMonoid for i128 {
  fn one() -> Self {

i128 also forms an additive group and additive commutative group (with "wrapping" or modular negation), but not a multiplicative group, as the integers have no closed division operation:

impl AddGroup for i128 {
  fn negate(&self) -> Self {

impl AddComGroup for i128 {}

And a ring and commutative ring:

impl Ring for i128 {}

impl CommRing for i128 {}


Please refer to the reading document for more background on each structure and its associated axioms and properties.


  • Research other two-operation structures like semirings, division rings, and integral domains. Adding these might make the transition from groups up to fields more granular?

  • Research structures that build on or reference, fields, for example modules or vector spaces.

  • The field traits probably need more testable derived properties.

  • Find more interesting examples for the examples directory.

  • Find a better method for embedding mathematical expressions in automatically generated Rust documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).