
AP2112M 3.3V-regulator with TXB0104 logic level shifter


AP2112M 3.3V-regulator with TXB0104 logic level shifter

Simple module for AP2112M 3.3V regulator (5V -> 3.3V), combined with TXB0104-based logic level shifter.

AP2112M is 8-SOIC (3.90mm width) and TXB0104 is 14-SOIC (3.90mm width).

Minimal components include 4 capacitors (2 x 1uF in 1206, and 2 x 0.1uF in 805), and one pull-down resistor (in 805).


  • ON/OFF SPDT switch (if not placed, solder a wire between EN and 5V, i.e. between pins under "ON" text)
  • Micro USB (type B) connector. Use 4-leg footprint (available on various different sites)
  • If Micro USB is used, place either D1 (for extra safety), or solder JP1 jumper (e.g. 0R in 805)
  • JST PH (2.0mm) side conentor - may be useful for powering boards with such battery connector.

A version of this PCB (with round holes for micro USB) can be ordered on PCBs.io.

Designed with KiCad 5.





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