
Chainable node-fetch for when you want to easily migrate to node-fetch, or just want an easier API.

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Super simple HTTP requests using node-fetch and a chainable interface

Getting Started

First off, you need to install the module! To do so,

npm i chainfetch node-fetch

# Or if you are using yarn

yarn add chainfetch node-fetch

And then you're ready to roll! Or...chain.


The following examples assume you are in the context of an async function. All return functions return a promise for you to use.

const fetch = require('chainfetch');

const res = await fetch.get('https://example.com').toText();

For posting data, you can do something similar to this

const fetch = require('chainfetch');

const res = await fetch.post('https://example.com').query({ isSimple: true }).query('isAmazing', true).send({ string: 'chainfetch is simple and amazing!' });

Are you a TypeScript user

We got you covered! We have rich typings which should work in all cases (if not, feel free to submit an issue ❤️)

import chainfetch from 'chainfetch';
// Or
import { get } from 'chainfetch';
// Or
import * as chainfetch from 'chainfetch';

// Works

// If you want to create your own custom class for custom handling
const myCustomClass = new chainfetch('HTTP METHOD', 'URL');

Meaning of toJSON, toText and toBuffer

In chainfetch, there are 4 functions which can determine how the response should be parsed. You can access the body by using res.body.

By default, we try to JSON.parse the body if the response provides the Content-Type header and it includes application/json.

Function What it returns
toBuffer Does no processing on the body, and returns it as a buffer
toJSON Attempts to parse the response body as a JSON object, otherwise it returns the stringified Buffer
toText and toString Both of these functions take the response body and turn it into a string