
JavaScript course for Zfort company.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zfort JavaScript course

JavaScript course for Zfort company.

Table of contents

1. Basics

  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Control flow
  • Type conversion
  • Loops

2. Data manipulation

  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Objects
  • Arrays
  • Pass by value vs pass by reference
  • Accessors, setters, getters and descriptors
  • Data transformation
  • JSON

3. Functions

  • Functions in JavaScript
  • Function declaration, function expression and NFE
  • Anonymous functions (lambdas)
  • Function scope
  • Closures
  • call, apply and bind
  • arguments object
  • Function.prototype.length
  • Partial application and currying
  • Recursion

4. Methods and execution context

  • Function vs method
  • Method definition
  • Execution context, this
  • Changing execution context using call, apply and bind

5. Object-Oriented JavaScript

  • prototype and __proto__ objects
  • Classes, methods, properties
  • Inheritance
  • instanceof operator
  • Mixins

6. JavaScript modules

  • What is a module and why it's important
  • Modules via closures
  • Types of modules

7. Errors and error handling

  • Error object
  • Types of errors
  • User-defined errors
  • Error handling

8. Regular expressions

  • Creating a regular expression
  • Using with strings
  • Advanced patterns

9. DOM

  • Things to know about DOM
  • Selecting elements
  • Querying DOM
  • Attributes
  • Measuring elements
  • class attribute
  • Text
  • Manipulating elements
  • Styles
  • Node types
  • Create elements
  • DOM optimizations

10. DOM events

  • Adding event listeners
  • event object
  • Event flow (capturing and bubbling)
  • Event delegation
  • Declaring behavior with event delegation
  • event.preventDefault()
  • Custom events

11. Event loop and async execution

  • Timers: setTimeout and setInterval
  • Event loop
  • Callbacks
  • Promises