
Simply Restart Service: for local development, red/green, without creating a new task definition

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple ECS restart


This module contains logic for CLI: simple-ecs-restart-cli

It has serious trade-offs. This is considered for local development only.

  • Red/green deployment. 1 -> 0 -> 1
  • With the same task definition
  • So it will pickup newest latest tag of docker image

If you want more features, such as green/blue deployment, setting env vars, different tags then look at ecs-deploy project.


It requires same env vars as aws-sdk

const ser = require('simple-ecs-restart');

await ser.lsClusters('us-east-1');
await ser.ls('us-east-1', 'dev');
await ser.stop('us-east-1', 'dev', 'my-service');
await ser.start('us-east-1', 'dev', 'my-service');