
Primary LanguageJavaScript


BartLive! is a web application that lets you track Bart trains on a map in real time.

Background & Overview

There are a lot of Bart apps that can update users on when the next train is approaching a specific station. However, there is not a single app out there that displays all trains on a map in real time. For this project we will need to:

  • Render Google maps in our main component ( to display routes)
  • Add a data layer to Google Maps that contains markers for stations and trains
  • Wrap multiple API calls in a Promise, and parse the resolved response to determine the initial state of our main component.
  • Programmatically update the train marker, reflecting its movements along the route
  • Design a local state shape to accommodate changes in the train schedules in real time.
  • Fetch data from Bart API to be able to display trains in real time.

Functionality & MVPs

  • User auth ( login & signup)
  • Add Google maps to React component and render on home page.
  • Render Bart routes with markers on each station.
  • Fetch initial state of trains through Bart API and place them on the map.
  • Display info snippets when station/train markers are clicked on.
  • Get train movements between stations according to the data fetched through Bart API (realtime).
  • Production README

Note: The goal is to get one route working for now.

Bonus Features:

  • Users can save favorite routes and display trains from that route only.
  • Get all trains from all routes.
  • Display timetables when trains/station markers are clicked on.

Technologies and Technical Challenges


  • Backend: MongoDB | Express
  • Frontend: React | Node.js | Redux
  • Google Maps API
  • Bart API
  • Leaflet

Technical Challenges:

Although, BART provides real time data on arrival times; it doesn't provide the exact location of trains. Therefore, we need to calculate the position of the train given the arrival data to a station.

Things Accomplished Over The Weekend

  • All members read the MERN tutorial on AppAcademy Open.
  • Created database for stations
  • Implemented user auth
  • Project is setup on Github.
  • Transit layer added to React component.
  • Station markers are now visible.

Group Members and Work Breakdown

Eugene Artin, Vlad Bulvakhter, Joe Bumbaca, Onur Eker

Eugene: Backend design; writing thunk action creators and actions to hit Bart API endpoints and extract the relevant data Designing a local state in our main component, and corresponding action/reducers, to accommodate real-time changes in Bart schedule

July 13 - July 14 [weekend]

  • Create GitHub repository and add all members as collaborators. Onur
  • Create rules for GitHub workflow. Onur
  • Create Slack group for better communication. Onur
  • Setup project base through MERN tutorials on AppAcademy Open. Onur
  • Review Leaflet tutorials and integrate Leaflet to React. Onur
  • Review BART API properties to be able to fetch station data. Onur
  • Create api_util, action & reducer files to generate station markers. Onur
  • Add Transit map and station markers to {MainPage} React component. Onur
  • Create a Google doc for production README. Onur

July 15 [day 3]

July 16 [day 4]

July 17 [day 5]