Testing out some ideas on how to use redis as a work queue. Main idea: there are 3 queues: todos, in_progress and done They are implemented as sets in redis... I know, weird, but there's the atomic 'smove' operation which is cool Now that I think about it, there's also a RPOPLPUSH operation. Atomic move of a key from one list to the next. We could have used this instead, but then the LREM operation is O(n)... whereas with the set we get O(1) We're going for "at-least-once processing". The creator puts workloads to the todos "queue" The worker pulls work from the "todos", moves it first to "in_progress", and when done, moves it to "done" The interesting part is when the work times out. The cleaner moves such timed-out keys back to "todos". To run the demo: ``` $ docker-compose up --build ``` ...if running the demo multiple times, you might want to ``` $ docker-compose rm ``` ...as containers are not destroyed, and the state of the queues is conserved. This affects for instance the reported number of items processed. To ckech what happened to redis, ``` $ docker-exec redis /bin/sh # redis-cli > KEYS * > SMEMBERS done ``` ###### # # Coordinator flow: 1. SADD todos "url1" # add "url1" to the todos set Worked flow when pulling work: 0. while true: 1. SRANDMEMBER todos # get a random member from the todos set; does NOT remove it 2. SMOVE 'url1' from 'todos' to 'in_progress' # => returns success # move the key atomically 3. IF success: SETEX 'url1-lock' 1000 # set an expiration date for the key 4. ELSE: done 5. sleep 6. endwhile; Worker flow when acknowledging work done: 0. finish work 1. TTL 'url1-lock' # returns a number; -2 => expired; -1 => never expires; >=0 hasn't expired yet 2. if >=-1: 3. MULTI 4. SMOVE 'url1' from 'in_progress' to 'done' 5. DEL 'url1-lock' 6. exec 7. else if == -2: 8. ... :( someone else confirmed this work, so we can throw it away! 9. endif; Cleaner flow: 1. for elem in SMEMBERS todos: 2. TTL elem-lock # returns a number; we're looking for -2, which means 'expired' or 'non-existent' 3. if == -2: 4. multi 5. del 'elem-lock' 6. SMOVE elem from 'in_progress' to 'todos' 7. EXEC
Python scripts showcasing the use of Redis as distributed work queue with timouts