To deploy the CDK stack and to establish a tunnel to the RDS instance, follow the steps below:

1. Create a key-pair called "evilton-dev"
2. Store the location of the pem file in the "EVILTON_PEM" environment variable
3. Install dependencies: npm install
4. Deploy CDK stack: cdk deploy
5. Establish a tunnel to access RDS: ./start-tunnel &
6. Fetch the database username and password from AWS Secrets Manager (TsReferenceStackOperational)
7. Connect to the database via
8. After the CDK stack is deployed, you can test the app by sending requests to its API endpoint:

curl -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "type": "InitSupportCase",
    "aggregateId": "e0325a40-b1c0-4301-a8b1-474feb37409e",
    "customer": "327807ac-1611-4642-9ce9-49ee9de0d197",
    "subject": "NEED HELP!",
    "messageBody": "My printer is one fire!"