
Movie Explorer: Kotlin and Compose multiplatform project for discovering movies with ease. Features Jetpack Navigation, Paging library integration, adaptive icons and a Material3-based UI that supports dynamic theme.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Movies Pot

Kotlin + Compose multiplatform project that allows users to explore the world of movies with ease. It utilizes the TMDB API to fetch movie data and presents it in a visually appealing manner. Jetpack Navigation ensures smooth navigation between screens, while the Paging library enables efficient data loading for a seamless user experience. The user interface adheres to Material3 design guidelines, providing a modern and intuitive way to discover and engage with movie content.

Target audience

  • Developers interested in learning more about Kotlin and Compose multiplatform.
  • Designers and UI enthusiasts seeking inspiration for Material3-based interfaces.


App Journey


App icon

Default Themed (light) Themed (dark)
Default App Icon Themed App Icon (light) Themed App Icon (dark)

App Theme

Default (light) Default (dark)
Themed App Icon (light) Themed App Icon (dark)
Dynamic (light) Dynamic (dark)
Themed App Icon (light) Themed App Icon (dark)

