
A simple application that allows you to generate referral links and track referrals


There are two types of referral structure: flat and multilevel.

A flat structure means that the user can have referrals, and they will all be on the same level.

Multilevel structure means that the user can have children who, in turn, also have children, each of which will be on a level lower (deeper) than the parent.

The full documentation is at


Install referrals:

pip install django-simple-referrals

Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add referrals's URL patterns:

from referrals import urls as referrals_urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^referrals/', include('referrals_urls', namespace='referrals')),


  1. Override your SignupForm
from referrals.widgets import ReferralWidget
from referrals.fields import ReferralField

class ReferralSignupForm(SignupForm):

    referral = ReferralField(widget=ReferralWidget())
  1. After registration, send a signal

If you want to use a flat structure:

from referrals.signals import create_flat_referral

create_flat_referral.send(sender=User, request, user)

Or, if you want to use a multi-level structure:

from referrals.signals import create_multi_level_referral

create_flat_referral.send(sender=User, request, user, 'position')

Where the 'position' must be 'child' or 'sibling'

If you pass the value "child", then a child will be created from the referral, by whose link the user has registered. If you specify "sibling", you will create a referral that is at the same level as the user whose link the user is registered with.

3) Template tags with referral link:

{% referrals %} # Import template tags

{% input %} # Use in any place in your html code

An incompromise will be created with the button "Copy" by clicking on it, the referral link of this user will be copied to the clipboard.

{% token %} # Also you can use this in any place in your html code

It just returns a token with a link to the current site

  1. Add to your settings:
DJANGO_REFERRALS_DEFAULT_INPUT_VALUE = '40ed41dc-d291-4358-ae4e-d3c07c2d67dc' # The token to be used by
                                                                              # default. WARNING: Must be uuid4

DJANGO_REFERRALS_DEFAULT_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'                       # Address for referral link
DJANGO_REFERRALS_PREFIX = ''                                                  # Prefix for key in localStorage.
                                                                              # by default key its 'referralLink'

DJANGO_REFERRALS_DEFAULT_INPUT_VALUE - This is a user token, under which users will be registered by default.

Get the superuser token:

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from referrals.models import Link

User = get_user_model()

user = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True).first()

if user:
    link = Link.objects.create(user=user)

If you use a multi-level structure, first create a root user:

from referrals.models import MultiLevelReferral
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

User = get_user_model()

root_user = User.objects.order_by('?')


Put this javascript code wherever your referral link will lead.

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% url 'referrals:javascript_code' %}"></script>


  • TODO
  • Create a class for extracting the defaul UUID token
  • Added social buttons with link and token

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install tox
(myenv) $ tox


Tools used in rendering this package: