Test FastAPI App

Important Notes

It's my first application that I developed using FastAPI. I understand that there is many bad practices and other problems in code.


Part 1:

  • Create FastAPI base project
  • Create User model (id, name, age(min=0, max=100), email)
  • Create Game model (id, name)
  • Create Endpoints:
    • Get games (get list of all games and users who connected to this games)
    • Get me (get info about current user and info about all connected games)
    • Connect to game. When user send this request. Need to create one obj like User - Game.

Part 2 (Advanced):

  • Use SQLAlchemy for store your models -Use docker for run your code


You should create .env file(look .env.example).


  • To run: docker-compose up --build d (You may run it repeatedly if app not starting because of web not waiting for db)
  • To seed db: docker-compose run web python init_db.py

Then you can use docs with: http://localhost:8000/docs