
Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots

Awesome Telegram Bots Awesome

Did you think to create a Telegram Bot?

Do you already have it and would like to improve your skills?

This curated collection will help you. In the list below you can find Open Source Examples, Libraries and Starter Kits for Telegram Bots to speed up your learning process.

Also take a minute and have a look at some interesting channels and groups in awesome-telegram-chats.

Do you know Telegram Bot with open sources which is not mentioned in this list? Please tell us about this bot or Contribute.


  1. Examples
  2. Libraries
  3. Starter Kits
  4. Tools
  5. Contribution




  • PikabuRobot - Unofficial telegram bot for Pikabu (popular russian entertaining website)
  • MasterOfCoin - Small Telegram bot for tracking one's personal finances




  • telegram-bank-bot - Virtual Assistant for banks
  • titsbot - (Warning! Adult Content) Simple PHP bot - Photo, GIFs, Video, Rating, etc.



  • money_bot - Simple currency converter bot with a well-designed UX




  • MrRoundRobin-bot - CSharp library to talk to Telegrams Bot API
  • TLSharp - Telegram client library implemented in CSharp, only basic functionality is currently implemented
  • Chatcraft -Open source telegram MMO RPG bot. Works on .net core (support Linux&Windows).


  • go-tgbot - Telegram API bot wrapper for Go (golang) Language! <3
  • telebot - Telegram bot framework written in Go
  • telegram-bot-api - Golang bindings for the Telegram Bot API
  • mtproto - MTProto implementation in Golang
  • telegram-bot – A Telegram Bot based on plugins
  • gotelebot – Implementation for the Telegram Bot API
  • integram – Integrate Telegram into your workflow
  • telegram - Implementation for the telegram bot API
  • go-tgbot - Pure Golang telegram bot API wrapper, session-based router and middleware



  • node-telegram-bot-api - Telegram Bot API for NodeJS
  • telegram-mt-node - Telegram MTProto library
  • telegram.link - enables to write once a client-application (whole or only the communication part) that runs both on mobile and desktop browsers and also on a Node.js server and connect to the Telegram data-centers via standard protocol and API
  • node-telegram-bot - Client wrapper for Telegram Bot API (Under heavy development)
  • telegram-node-bot - Node module for creating Telegram bots
  • cycle-telegram - A Cycle.js driver for Telegram Bot API (Under development)
  • telegraf - 📢 Telegram bot framework for Node.js
  • micro-bot - 🤖 Async Telegram microbots.
  • telegram-mtproto - Telegram MTProto library and client (WIP)
  • tgfancy - A Fancy, Higher-Level Wrapper for Telegram Bot API


  • pyTelegramBotAPI - A simple, but extensible Python implementation for the Telegram Bot API
  • python-telegram-bot - We have made you a wrapper you can not refuse
  • aiogram - Is are pretty simple and fully asynchronously library for Telegram Bot API
  • aiotg - Asynchronous Python API for building Telegram bots


Starter Kits



  • telebot - Telegram Bot starter kit. Very easy to install with Google App Engine



  • Botan.io - The most advanced analytics for your Telegram bot by Yandex


  1. Your contributions and suggestions are heartily welcome!
  2. Please use the following message pattern for your commits: "Add [resource-id] to [section] / [language]", e.g: Add confstat bot to Examples / Python
  3. Provide URL to the repo on GitHub or BitBucket (or something else) instead of official web-site URL.
  4. For new programming languages use alphabet order.