
Ruby gem useful in case you need to find out if one number is divisible by another

Primary LanguageRuby


<img src=“https://badge.fury.io/rb/divisible.png” alt=“Gem Version” />

Still using the C way of testing if one number is divisible by another?

Still using this?

x % 13 == 0 && x % 6  == 0 && x % 3 == 0

No need anymore! We present you Divisible. Check if number is divisible by another like a boss!

x.divisible_by? 13, 6, 3


9.divisible_by? 3  # => true
10.divisible_by? 3  # => false
12.divisible_by? 3  # => true
12.divisible_by? 4  # => true
15.divisible_by? 4 # => false
21.divisible_by? 3,7 # => true
35.divisible_by? 3,5,0 # => false

Same can be done with

Divisible.check(9, 3) # => true
Divisible.check(10, 3) # => false
Divisible.check(12, 3) # => true
Divisible.check(12, 4) # => true
Divisible.check(15, 4) # => false


gem install divisible


Copyright © 2011 Vlado Cingel, released under the MIT license