
C++ helper library for Windows bcrypt, ncrypt and credman

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

C++ Helper Classes for Windows Cryptography API Next Generation (CNG), that includes BCRYPT and NCRYPT.

This is a header only library for Windows CNG API that includes functions from ncrypt.h and bcrypt.h.

MSDN documentation for bcrypt.h

CNG Bcrypt algorithm providers

CNG Bcrypt cryptography primitive property identifiers

CNG algorithm identifiers

MSDN documentation for ncrypt.h

CNG Ncrypt storage providers

CNG Ncrypt storage property identifiers

CNG Ncrypt key storage architecture

MSDN CNG samples

MSDN classic samples

StackOverflow threads with cng tag

Note: CNG bcrypt does not implement Blowfish algorithm. CNG bcrypt originated from BestCrypt. See this discussion for more details

Also check test and samples that come with this library

This post by dbush provides a good summary when to use NCrypt API versus BCrypt API.

Credential Manager Helpers documents helpers for credman APIs located in credman.h and credman_ui.h.

The BCrypt family of function are classified as Cryptographic Primitives, while the NCrypt family of functions are classified as Key Storage and Retrieval.

The primary difference is that the BCrypt functions are used when dealing only with ephemeral keys, while the NCrypt functions are used when persistent keys are required.

In practice, the BCrypt functions are typically used for hashing and symmetric encryption, while the NCrypt functions are used for public/private key encryption and decryption, public/private key signing and verification, and shared secret (e.g. DH and ECDH) negotiation.

While some public/private key operations can be done with BCrypt functions, they can only be used with ephemeral keys and are therefore of limited use.

Persistent keys are stored in key containers specific to each user (or to the system). This is a security measure to ensure that users can't view each other's private keys.

In general, you'll want to use the following functions for the following operations:

  • BCryptHashData: Used for hashing and HMAC (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)
    • Related: BCryptCreateHash, BCryptFinishHash, BCryptDestroyHash
  • BCryptEncrypt: Symmetric key encryption (DES, 3DES, AES).
    • Related: BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey, BCryptDestroyKey
  • BCryptDecrypt: Symmetric key decryption (DES, 3DES, AES).
    • Related: BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey, BCryptDestroyKey
  • NCryptEncrypt: Asymmetric key encryption (RSA)
  • NCryptDecrypt: Asymmetric key decryption (RSA)
  • NCryptSignHash: Asymetric key signature (RSA, DSA, ECDSA)
  • NCryptVerifySignature: Asymmetric key signature verification (RSA, DSA, ECDSA)
  • NCryptSecretAgreement: Asymmetric key secret sharing (DH, ECDH)
  • Related: NCryptDeriveKey

Helper classes consists of several namespaces:

Note: In all classes you will find each crypto function wrapperd twice. One wrapper will have "try_" prefix and will be noexcept. It will communicate failure by returning std::error_code. The other wrapper will not have 'try' prefix and will communicate most failures using an exception. For example:

class storage_provider {
  // This wrapped would not throw exception.
  // It communicates failure using std::error_code
  [[nodiscard]] std::error_code try_open(wchar_t const *provider) noexcept;
  // This wrapper communicates failures using exception
  void open(wchar_t const *provider)

Use try_ wrappers in the performance critical code when failures are expected to happen often and can affect performance. It is also a good fit when you need to use wrappers in an exception unsafe code base.

  1. hcrypt helper function and error category definitions. These helpers are shared between bcrypt and ncrypt.
    1. String Formatting
      1. v_make_string estimates string size using _vscprintf, resizes buffer and prints string using _vsnprintf_s
      2. make_string calls v_make_string
      3. v_make_wstring estimates string size using _vscwprintf, resizes buffer and prints string using _vsnwprintf_s
      4. make_wstring calls v_make_wstring
    2. try_resize family of functions that can be used in noexcept context to convert std::bad_alloc to an error code
    3. Convertion between character encodings
      1. a_to_u Converts multibype string to Unicode string
      2. u_to_a Converts Unicode string to multibype string
    4. Error handling helpers for NTSTATUS and WIn32 error
      1. enum class status : long Enumeration type used for NTSTATUS
      2. enum class win32_error : unsigned long Enumeration type used for WIN32 erors domain
      3. is_success Family of functions that return true if error code is success
      4. is_failure Family of functions that return true if error code is a failure
      5. error_category_t error category for NTSTATUS
      6. get_error_category returns instance of errror_category_t
      7. make_error_code creates error_code with matching error category for the given enumeration type.
    5. Bitfield anumeration
      1. set_flag Sets bits
      2. is_flag_on Checks if bits are set
      3. clear_flag Clears bits
      4. consume_flag Clears bits and returns if they were set
    6. Conversion between bag of bytes and hexidecimal string
      1. to_hex
      2. from_hex
    7. Conversion between bag of bytes and base64 encoding string
      1. to_base64
      2. from_base64
    8. Time helper function
      1. systemtime_to_filetime
      2. filetime_to_systemtime
      3. systemtime_to_string
      4. systemtime_to_wstring
      5. filetime_to_string
      6. filetime_to_wstring
    9. GUID helper function
      1. guid_to_string
      2. guid_to_wstring
    10. Other
      1. round_to_block rounds up size to number of blocks of specified size.
  2. bcrypt helpers for functions in bcrypt.h
    1. algorith_provider instance of algorithm provider. You can enumerate providers using try_enum_registered_providers, enum_registered_providers, try_resolve_providers, resolve_providers, try_enum_algorithms or enum_algorithms. To navigate result of enumeration prefer to use bcrypt::for_each or bcrypt::find_first family of functions.
    2. key implementation of shared/private/public key algorithm by a provider
    3. hash particular implementation of hash algorithm by a provider
    4. secret helper class for derivation of a key from a secret agreement. To create secret you can use bcrypt::create_secret helper function
  3. ncrypt helpers for functions in ncrypt.h
    1. storate_provider instance of storage provider. You can enumerate providers using try_enum_providers or enum_providers. To navigate result of enumeration prefer to use ncrypt::for_each or ncrypt::find_first family of functions.
    2. storage_provider::key_iterator enumeration of keys in the storage
    3. key implementation of shared/private/public key algorithm by a provider
    4. secret helper class for derivation of a key from a secret agreement. To create secret you can use ncrypt::create_secret helper function

Note: ncrypt::property_impl and bcrypt::property_impl implement query/set property interfaces for all obects in each namespace. Often times it is hard to tell from the MSDN documentation what property is applicable to what object type (key/hash/particular provide/secret). You can use useprint_bcrypt_object_properties and print_ncrypt_object_properties to create a test program that attempts to print every property for a passed object, and see what queries are supported for the given object.

For example following snippet

  bcrypt::algorithm_provider ap{BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM};
  print_bcrypt_object_properties(2, ap, true);

will print

      name: AES
      block length: 16
      chaining mode: ChainingModeCBC
      block[00] size: 16
      block[01] size: 4261281277
      keys length: min 128, max 256, increment 64
      key object length: 654
      message block length: 16
      object length: 654

After changing mode to CCM

  print_bcrypt_object_properties(2, ap, true);

you will get

      name: AES
      block length: 16
      chaining mode: ChainingModeCCM
      block[00] size: 16
      block[01] size: 4261281277
      keys length: min 128, max 256, increment 64
      key object length: 654
      auth tag length: min 4, max 16, increment 2
      message block length: 1
      object length: 654

Create keys and print its properties

   unsigned char const key[] = {
        0x1b, 0x20, 0x5a, 0x9e, 0x2b, 0xe3, 0xfe, 0x85, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1,
        0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x88, 0x92, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1, 0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81,
        0x88, 0x92, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1, 0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x88, 0x92,
  bcrypt::key k{ap.generate_symmetric_key(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(key), 32)};
  print_bcrypt_object_properties(2, k, true);

output will be

      name: AES
      block length: 16
      chaining mode: ChainingModeCCM
      initialization vector: 00000000000000000000000000000000
      key length: 256
      key strength: 256
      message block length: 1

Hashing Data

   try {
       hcrypt::buffer data_to_hash;
       bcrypt::generate_random(data_to_hash.data(), data_to_hash.size());
       bcrypt::algorithm_provider provider{BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM};
       bcrypt::hash h{provider.create_hash()};
       h.hash_data(data_to_hash.data(), data_to_hash.size());
       hcrypt::buffer hash_value{h.finish()};
       printf("hash: %ws\n", hcrypt::to_hex(hash_value).c_str());
   } catch (std::system_error const &ex) {
       <handle failure>

Signing Data Using Symmetric Key

    unsigned char const key[] = {
        0x1b, 0x20, 0x5a, 0x9e, 0x2b, 0xe3, 0xfe, 0x85, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1,
        0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x88, 0x92, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1, 0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81,
        0x88, 0x92, 0x9c, 0x37, 0xf1, 0xaf, 0xfe, 0x81, 0x88, 0x92,

    try {
        bcrypt::algorithm_provider ap{BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM};

        bcrypt::key k{ap.generate_symmetric_key(
                      reinterpret_cast<char const *>(key), 
        std::string_view aad("Not so secret additionally authenticated data");

        UCHAR iv[12] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc};
        UCHAR tag[16] = {0};

        aadInfo.pbNonce = iv;
        aadInfo.cbNonce = sizeof(iv);
        aadInfo.pbAuthData = reinterpret_cast<UCHAR *>(const_cast<char *>(&aad[0]));
        aadInfo.cbAuthData = static_cast<ULONG>(aad.size());
        aadInfo.cbAAD = static_cast<ULONG>(aad.size());
        aadInfo.pbTag = tag;
        aadInfo.cbTag = sizeof(tag);

        size_t bytes_written{0};
        k.encrypt(nullptr, 0, &aadInfo, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, &bytes_written);

        printf("Hash %S\n", hcrypt::to_hex(std::begin(tag), std::end(tag)).c_str());        

    } catch (std::system_error const &ex) {
        <handle error>

Encrypting Using Symmetric Key

    unsigned char const plain_text[] = "Text1 to encrypt";

    unsigned char const iv[] = {
        0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F};

    unsigned char const key128[] = {
        0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F};

     try {
         bcrypt::algorithm_provider ap{BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM};

         size_t block_length{ap.get_block_length()};

         hcrypt::buffer iv_buffer{std::begin(iv), std::begin(iv) + block_length};

         bcrypt::key k_a{ap.generate_symmetric_key(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(key128), 16)};
         hcrypt::buffer exported_key{k_a.export_key(BCRYPT_OPAQUE_KEY_BLOB)};

         size_t data_size{sizeof(plain_text)};
         size_t block_size{ap.get_block_length()};
         size_t padded_size{hcrypt::round_to_block(data_size, block_size)};
         hcrypt::buffer data_buffer(padded_size);
         std::copy(std::begin(plain_text), std::end(plain_text), std::begin(data_buffer));

         size_t bytes_encrypted{0};

         // AES is a block algorithm, and BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING
         // tells it that this is last block that might not be
         // block alligned, and have to be padded


         bcrypt::key k_b{ap.import_symetric_key(nullptr,

         iv_buffer.assign(std::begin(iv), std::begin(iv) + block_length);

         size_t bytes_decrypted{0};

         if (k_b.decrypt(data_buffer.data(),
                         BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING)) {
             <decryption succeeded>
         } else {
             <decryption failed>

     } catch (std::system_error const &ex) {
         <handle error>;

Signing Using Persistent Assymetric Key

   unsigned char const msg[] = {
       0x04, 0x87, 0xec, 0x66, 0xa8, 0xbf, 0x17, 0xa6, 0xe3, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x1a,
       0x55, 0xe2, 0xaf, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x54, 0xa4, 0xdc, 0x68, 0x19, 0x3e, 0x94,

   try {
       bcrypt::algorithm_provider hash_ap{BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM};
       // Hash message
       bcrypt::hash h{hash_ap.create_hash()};
       h.hash_data(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(msg), sizeof(msg));
       hcrypt::buffer data_hash{h.finish()};
       // Generate persistent keys for signing
       ncrypt::storage_provider sp{MS_KEY_STORAGE_PROVIDER};
       ncrypt::key k{sp.create_key(NCRYPT_ECDSA_P256_ALGORITHM, 
       // Sign hash
       hcrypt::buffer hash_signature{k.sign_hash(data_hash.data(), data_hash.size())};
       // Export public key
       hcrypt::buffer exported_public_key{k.export_key(BCRYPT_ECCPUBLIC_BLOB)};
       // Import public key
       bcrypt::algorithm_provider signing_ap{BCRYPT_ECDSA_P256_ALGORITHM};
       bcrypt::key public_key{signing_ap.import_key_pair(BCRYPT_ECCPUBLIC_BLOB,
       // Verify signature signing
   } catch (std::system_error const &ex) {
       <handle failure>

Generate Random Number

        char b1[] = {0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf};

        bcrypt::generate_random(b1, sizeof(b1));
        char sb{bcrypt::generate_random<char>()};

        unsigned char ub{bcrypt::generate_random<unsigned char>()};

        short ss{bcrypt::generate_random<short>()};
        unsigned short us{bcrypt::generate_random<unsigned short>()};

        long sl{bcrypt::generate_random<long>()};
        unsigned long ul{bcrypt::generate_random<unsigned long>()};

        long long sll{bcrypt::generate_random<long long>()};
        unsigned long long ull{bcrypt::generate_random<unsigned long long>()};

        double d{bcrypt::generate_random<double>()};

Enumerate Algorithm Providers

  // All registered
                   [](wchar_t const *provider_name){
                       <handle provider>

  // Find first provider with matching requirements
  auto matching_providers{bcrypt::resolve_providers(nullptr, 
                                                    CRYPT_ALL_FUNCTIONS | CRYPT_ALL_PROVIDERS)};

                      [](CRYPT_PROVIDER_REF const *provider_ref) -> bool {
                          if (<does this provider satisfy our requirements?>) {
                               // abort search
                               return false;
                          // continue search
                          return true;

Enumerate All Keys for All Storage Providers

    try {
        for_each(ncrypt::enum_providers(), [](NCryptProviderName const &name) {
            ncrypt::storage_provider sp{name.pszName};
            ncrypt::key k;
            // enumerate user keys
            ncrypt::storage_provider::key_iterator cur{sp.key_begin(NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)};
            ncrypt::storage_provider::key_iterator end{};
            for (; cur != end; ++cur) {
               NCryptKeyName const &key_name{*cur};
               std::error_code err{sp.try_open_key(key_name.pszName, 

               if (hcrypt::is_success(key_status)) {
                   // use key
            // enumerate machine keys
            cur = sp.key_begin(NCRYPT_MACHINE_KEY_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG);
            for (; cur != end; ++cur) {
               NCryptKeyName const &key_name{*cur};
               std::error_code err{sp.try_open_key(key_name.pszName, 

               if (hcrypt::is_success(err)) {
                   // use key

    } catch (std::system_error const &ex) {
        <handle error>

Class Diagrams

Note: CRTP in the diagrams stands for Curiously recurring template pattern

All Modules

Class Diagram; All together


Class Diagram; bcrypt only


Class Diagram; ncrypt only


Class Diagram; hcrypt only