Simple editable app-catalog of the marvel universe.
App made with Dart's framework Flutter and SQLite database usable with Floor that permits to see/edit/delete
- movies
- superheroes
- features (movie-superheroes)
- Floor
- Floor generator
- Build Runner
- flutter_speed_dial
- carouesel_slider
- restart_app
The app can be used from Android or iOS mobile phone or via emulator
- On mobile:
- run the application
- With emulator:
- firstly install Flutter work enviromenent then use Android Studio
to run the project:
flutter run
Start an issue for or advise for common problems or issues.
Contributors names and contact info
Vlad Postu
- 0.1
- Initial Release
This project is licensed under the [NAME HERE] License - see the file for details
This one is a school project.