
Data Acquisition and Stimulation Systems

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Data Acquire & Stimulation Systems (DASS):

Sketches (Arduino) & Scripts (MATLAB) to acquire data (images &signals) and stimualte optic systems (optogenetics & photochemistry) in behavior neuroscience projects

Sketches for Arduino


  • Arduino UNO (or equivalent)
  • LED Driver (e.g. Thorlabs DC1200 or LEDD18 with TTL Trigger input)

Stimuli TTL squared trains

Arduino Sketches:

  • TTL_cont_Train

  • TTL_cont_Train_B

Examples: bilateral or double stimulation

Text trigger to send TTL squared stimulus

Arduino Sketc:

  • TTL_single_pulse

Example: Optostimulation and electrical recording

Scripts for MATLAB for video data acuisition

Hardware (one or two cams) and single setup (sequential mice recordings, i.e. set, record, replace, record):

  • PS3 Eye Camera (Infrared)
  • USB Webcam

First of all, run >>Import_Scripts

Single Camera for N min recordings (e.g. for Open Field)

  • Run >>OpenField_SingleREC and fill parametes requests.

Videos will be sotirde in a folder above repository: at *\Open_Field_Videos*

Single Camera recordings of sequential multiple animals and fixed intervals (e.g. Abnormal Involuntary Movements)

  • Run >>AIMs_Video_Recording and fill parametes requests.

Example: TO assess Abnormal Involuntary Movements (AIMs) of L-DOPA Induced Dyskinesia (LID)

Videos will be sotirde ina folder above this repository: at *\AIMs_Cylinder_Videos*

Diagram and schema for single camera recordings

Double Camera recordings of sequential multiple animals and fixed intervals

  • Run >>AIMs_2Cams_Recording and fill parametes requests.

Example: TO assess Abnormal Involuntary Movements (AIMs) of L-DOPA Induced Dyskinesia (LID)Diet

Videos will be sotirde ina folder above this repository: at *\AIMs_Cylinder_Videos*

TimeStamps require postprocessing of the videos and trim them (in construction)

Diagram and schema for two-camera recordings