
Group chat application using TCP sockets written in Golang

Primary LanguageGo


GoChat is a simple group chat server built using the Go programming language. It uses TCP sockets to establish connections with clients and allows multiple clients to connect at the same time. The server broadcasts messages to all connected clients.

Running the server

You can run the server using Docker or locally.


docker compose up

To run the server in the background, use the -d or --daemon flag:


go run main.go

Connecting to the server

Go client

go run client/client.go

Python client

python3 client/client.py


-s, --server    Server address (default: localhost)
-p, --port      Server port (default: 6969)



The ChatServer struct represents a chat server that can handle multiple clients. It has two fields:

  • clients: a map of connected clients, where the keys are net.Conn objects and the values are empty structs.
  • mutex: a read-write mutex used to synchronize access to the clients map to avoid multiple threads accessing it at the same time.


The Start function is used to start the chat server. It takes an address string as its only argument, which specifies the IP address and port number to listen on. It creates a new ChatServer instance and listens for incoming connections on the specified address. When a new connection is accepted, it spawns a new goroutine to handle the client.


The NewChatServer function creates a new ChatServer instance with an empty clients map.


The HandleClient method is used to handle a single client connection. It takes a net.Conn object as its only argument, which represents the client connection. It adds the connection to the clients map, reads messages from the client, and broadcasts them to all connected clients. When the client disconnects, it removes the connection from the clients map.


The Broadcast method is used to broadcast a message to all connected clients. It takes a msg string as its only argument, which represents the message to broadcast. It iterates over all connected clients and sends the message to each one. If an error occurs while sending the message, it removes the client from the clients map.