Getting Started



  • run yarn install on the root of the project
  • open node_modules/react-mapbox-gl/lib-esm/map.js:38 and comment the line: // require('mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css');
    if (injectCSS) {
        // require('mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css');


  • run yarn run dev on the root of the project and this will start dev server.
  • open http://localhost:3000 in any available browser (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
  • Make change and save file. All changes will be reflected in browser immediately.

Issue process (GitLab flow)

  • Create merge request (See green on the issue's page, i.e.{number of usse} ).
  • It will create branch with unique name. Don't change it.
  • Branch with that name should appear in git after fetch.
    • git fetch && git brach -a
    • You should see that branch in console.
  • Switch to that brach:
    • git checkout {branch name}
  • Perform changes and commit
    • git add . adds changed files to indexed.
    • git commit -m "{Write wnat you've done here}" commit indexed files.

Or you may use any convinient git client available for your OS.

  • Follow and fix comments you get during the code review.