
A simple and lightweight SQL syntax highlighting library written in pure JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SQL syntax highlight

A simple and lightweight SQL syntax highlighting library written in pure JavaScript

Tests Status Coverage Status NPM Version Downloads Stats

What's it all about?

SQL Highlight is a small package that highlights SQL queries. It can output to both the terminal with Unicode escape sequences, as well as to normal HTML. Oh, and there are no external dependencies 😉


Install via Yarn:

yarn add sql-highlight

Install via NPM:

npm install sql-highlight


In its most basic form:

const { highlight } = require('sql-highlight')

const sqlString = "SELECT `id`, `username` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = 'test@example.com'"

const highlighted = highlight(sqlString)




HTML mode:

import { highlight } from 'sql-highlight'

const sqlString = "SELECT `id`, `username` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = 'test@example.com'"

const highlighted = highlight(sqlString, {
  html: true

document.body.innerHTML += highlighted


<span class="sql-hl-keyword">SELECT</span>
<span class="sql-hl-string">`id`</span>
<span class="sql-hl-special">,</span>
<span class="sql-hl-string">`username`</span>
<span class="sql-hl-keyword">FROM</span>
<span class="sql-hl-string">`users`</span>
<span class="sql-hl-keyword">WHERE</span>
<span class="sql-hl-string">`email`</span>
<span class="sql-hl-special">=</span>
<span class="sql-hl-string">'test@example.com'</span>


The following options may be passed to the highlight function.

Option Value Default Description
html boolean false Set to true to render HTML instead of Unicode.
classPrefix string 'sql-hl-' Prefix to prepend to classes for HTML span-tags. Is appended with entity name.
colors Object See below* What color codes to use for Unicode rendering.

* colors option default value

  keyword: '\x1b[35m',  // SQL reserved keywords
  function: '\x1b[31m', // Functions
  number: '\x1b[32m',   // Numbers
  string: '\x1b[32m',   // Strings
  special: '\x1b[33m',  // Special characters
  bracket: '\x1b[33m',  // Brackets (parentheses)
  clear: '\x1b[0m'      // Clear (inserted after each match)


See the contribution guidelines.


We use Jest for running our tests. The test suite can be run by running npm run test. This will run both Jest and ESLint.

Code style

We use ESLint for making sure that our code remains pretty and consistent throughout the project. If your editor doesn't automatically pick up our config you can lint the code using npm run lint.

Additional information

Malcolm Nihlén - malcolm.nihlen@gmail.com

Distributed under the MIT licence. See LICENCE for more information.



This was initially a fork from https://github.com/pomahtuk/sequilize-highlight. The repo wasn't being updated, NPM wasn't serving the latest version and there was a severe memory leak. Though the latest version now exists on NPM, issues still persist. This repo serves to address those problems, as well as providing a cleaner interface that's not bound to Sequelize.

With version 3.0.0 the library was almost completely rewritten, which leaves very little similarity with the original repo.