
Web application created during the final checkpoint in the Wild Code School in Bordeaux. There was no precise theme, so I decided to make something I had in mind for a few weeks before - an application of debates, where users can post their questions on any subject, put them into categories and answer "for" or "against", depending on their opinions. There is a vote system that ranks questions and answers by popularity and an admin panel to administer all the CRUD needed.

How to run

  • clone the repo

  • run composer install

  • run yarn install

  • run yarn encore dev

  • create an .env.local file, uncomment the DATABASE_URL="mysql line and comment the postgre one, set db_name to any of your liking and replace db_user and db_password with your creditentials

  • run symfony console d:d:c to create this database

  • run symfony console d:m:m to execute migrations and create tables

  • run symfony console d:f:l to load the fixtures

  • run symfony server:start You're in !


Many thanks to Guillaume Harari, my teacher at the Wild Code School for all the knowledge he passed on to me.

To do list for future improvements

  • Re-make the front vote system with Ajax
  • Add possibility to put question in favorites to find them easily in personal user page
  • Add a search bar on main page or navbar
  • Add security on routes and vote system (right now anyone can vote any number of times)
  • Deploy