Universal Card Game

A web application created during the second hackaton in the Wild Code School in Bordeaux, supported by Ekino, a web company that creates digital services. The theme was "Create a web app that bring people together during the pandemic", and we had 48 hours from 13th to 15th of January, 2021 to come up with an idea and show a working demo.

The concept is simple - we didn't find any existing app in which you have a pile of 54 cards and you can play any game you want, so we decided to create one. There is no precise rules, no limits - only your imagination.

How to run

  • clone the repo

  • run composer install

  • run yarn install

  • run yarn encore dev

  • create an .env.local file, uncomment the DATABASE_URL="mysql line and comment the postgre one, set db_name to "hackaton2" and replace db_user and db_password with your creditentials

  • run symfony console d:d:c to create this database

  • run symfony console d:m:m to execute migrations and create tables

  • run symfony console d:f:l to load the fixtures

  • run symfony server:start

Team Members


Many thanks to Guillaume Harari our beloved teacher, our and all the Ekino team for organizing the event.

To do list for future improvements

  • Re-make the front using ReactJS
  • Add possibility to play with more that 2 people
  • Deploy