
You can integrate friendship option with this package.

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Package description

A laravel package which provides a "friendship" management between two entities. The relationship is called "friendship" in this package , but you can use this plugin to manage any relationship between two entities.


The package have implementation only for Laravel 4 framework.

  • Run database migration:

php artisan --bench=softservlet\friendship

  • Add the provider into app/config/app.php array, at the 'providers' index


  • Define the entities.

The package give you the responsability to create the entity object. The next example will ilustrate you how to create a friendship between an object defined in your application in App\User\User

Your object must implements FriendableInterface, so you may have the following class into App\User.

<?php namespace App\User;

use Softservlet\Friendship\Core\FriendableInterface;

class User implements FriendableInterface
   //your User implementation here
  • Configure the service provider

Since the package gives you opportunity to define your own entities, the service provider needs to know about those entities, so let's edit it. In the above example, we defined our entity in App\User\User, open softservlet/friendship/src/Softservlet/Friendship/Laravel/Providers/LaravelFriendshipServiceProvider and replace:

$this->app->bind('Softservlet\Friendship\Core\FriendableInterface', 'Friends\User\User');


$this->app->bind('Softservlet\Friendship\Core\FriendableInterface', 'App\User\User');

How to use

We define bellow a sample about how to use in Laravel context:

Let's write some code to see how to make a friendship connection between two entities.


class FriendshipController extends BaseController
	public function __construct(FriendableInterface $friendable)
   	$this->friendable = $friendable;
   public function createFriendship()
   	$actor = $this->friendable->find(1); //the friendable object with id 1
   	$user = $this->friendable->find(2); 

   	//create a instance of Friendship object
   	$friendship = App::make('Softservlet\Friendship\Core\FriendshipInterface', array('actor' =>$actor, 'user'=> $user));

   	//actor sends a friendship request to user

   public function acceptFriendship()
   	//define actor and user friendable objects

   	//create a friendable object



Friendship Object

Assumming that $friendship is a instance like we did above, with $actor and $user as parameters we have:

  • $friendship->send() - sends a friendship request from $actor to $user
  • $friendship->accept() - the $actor will accept the friendship of $user(if exists one)
  • $friendship->deny() - the $actor will deny the friendship of $user(if exists one)
  • $friendship->delete() - the $actor will delete the connection with $user(if exists one)
  • $friendship->exists($status) - return boolean if friendship exists between the $actor and the $user. the $status parameter represents the friendship status defined in FriendshipEloquent

Repository Object

We've seen how to create a friendship, accept, deny and delete it, let's see how to get informations about object friendships that we've made.

For this, we have to call FriendshipEloquentRepository, with an actor instance asconstructor parameter

$repository = App::make('Softservlet\Friendship\Core\FriendshipRepositoryInterface', array('actor' => $user));

Defined methods:

  • $repository->getPendingFriendships() - returns an array with pending friendships sent by others to $actor
  • $repository->getDeniedFriendships() - returns an array with denied friendships sent by others to $actor
  • $repository->getAllFriendships() - returns an array with all friendships
  • $repository->getAcceptedFriendships() - returns an array with all accepted friendships, no matter who is the sender