Simplify Polynomial Interpolation

This is a JavaScript web application for performing polynomial interpolation using the Lagrange method. Given a set of initial data points, this application calculates and displays the simplified polynomial interpolation function, along with an interactive chart to visualize the interpolation.

Visit the project: Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation

This is a JavaScript web application for performing polynomial interpolation using the Lagrange method. Given a set of initial data points, this application calculates and displays the simplified polynomial interpolation function, along with an interactive chart to visualize the interpolation.

Getting Started

To use this application, simply open the index.html file in your web browser. You can also host it on a web server for online access.


No special prerequisites are required to run this application. It should work in most modern web browsers.


Open the index.html file in your web browser. Enter your initial data points in the table provided. Each row should contain an X and Y value. Click the "+" button to add more data points or the "-" button to remove a data point. Once you have entered your data, click the "Calculate" button to perform the polynomial interpolation. The simplified polynomial interpolation function will be displayed below the chart.


Polynomial interpolation using the Lagrange method. Dynamic addition and removal of data points. Visualization of the interpolation function using an interactive chart. Detection of duplicate X-values in the input data.


index.html: The main HTML file containing the user interface and form for entering data. css/style.css: CSS file for styling the application. css/bootstrap.min.css: CSS file for Bootstrap framework (used for styling). lagrange.js: JavaScript file containing the Lagrange polynomial interpolation logic. main.js: JavaScript file for handling user interactions and displaying results. chart.js: JavaScript file for creating and updating the interactive chart. js/chart.js: External library (Chart.js) for chart visualization.


This is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome. If you'd like to contribute or report issues, please visit the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


This project uses the Chart.js library for chart visualization. Special thanks to anyone who contributed to this project.