
This prototype shows the concept of grouping near map points on a MKMapView. Being able to click on a map point and then display a list of the clustered points.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Map Clustering Prototype
This Project will demonstrate the ability to cluster annotation pins on a Mapkit map view. 
The project is very rough and I am new to Objective-C so still learning.
The prototype currently generates 400 random map points based on the current Region of the map.
Also the map defaults to Melbourne CBD as the starting point.

The current clustering is based on pixels on the screen and the distance between them.
The current demo will cluster all annotations on the current map region. So when the map
region moves all annotations are removed and re-clustered. This does work but I rekon doesn't
look that seemless to the user.

This implementation is based on the work done by Xiaoxi Wu who implemented a Javascript library which did a very similar thing. For details on how he did it and how it works refer to this link http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2009/04/markerclusterer-solution-to-too-many.html

Mainly cluster classes
AssetClusterAnnotation - Represents a visual annotation on the map that can be made up of 1 or more annotations
AnnotationClusterer - Does the hard work of getting a annotation and putting it into the correct cluster annotation.

TO-DO List
- Only re-cluster when the map zoom changes
- Only re-cluster new points as they are added.