
Responsive (mobile first) front-end boilerplate, leveraged with PHP.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A responsive, mobile-first, front-end boilerplate, leveraged with PHP.

This was built because nearly every site or application I have created in the last 6 months has utilized the features listed below. Tired of copying and pasting from my previous sites, I wrote this boilerplate from the ground-up.


  • HTML5 doctype / PHP
  • Conditional HTML classes for IE7-9
  • Modernizr (version 2.6.2 - recommend you create your own custom build or download from GitHub)
  • Mobile First / Responsive Web Design
    • Off-canvas Navigation (using transitions and 3D transforms with fallbacks)
    • jRespond (for implementation of breakpoint-specific functionality - recommend you download the latest version from ten1seven's GitHub repo)
  • jQuery (version 1.x - recommend you download the version you need / upgrade to 2.x if not supporting older browsers)
  • Google Analytics tracking snippet (fill in your ID)
  • CSS
    • reset / normalize / basic re-usable classes
    • off-canvas styles
    • only most basic styles; "add, not delete"
  • Large screen and print media queries


Apache/PHP, but the files can easily be adapted to HTML-only if desired.


View a working demo of this boilerplate.