
This is a simple yet functional calculator I've developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and allows for chaining multiple operations together. Happy calculating! 🧮

Primary LanguageHTML


You can view the calculator in action here.

Main Functions


This function is responsible for appending the provided value to the calculator screen. It takes a parameter valueReceived, representing the value to be appendede. It utilizes document.getElementById('screen') to retrieve the screen element by its identifier and then updates the value field by concatenating the new value.

function add(valueReceived) {
    document.getElementById('screen').value += value;


The calculate() funciont is executed when the equal (=) button is pressed on the calculator. First, it retrieves the current value on the screen using document.getElementById('screen').value. Then, it utilizes the eval() function to evaluate the mathematical expression represented by the screen value. The result is stored in the result variable. Finally, the screen value is updated with the calculated result.

function calcular() {
    const screenValue = document.getElementById('screen').value;
    const result = eval(screenValue);
    document.getElementById('screen').value = result;

It´s important to note that the use of eval() can pose security risks if users are allowed to iput arbitrary code. In this case, we assume that the code will only be excecuted in a secure environment.


The deleteScreen() is used to erase the content of the calculator screen. It simply assigns an empty string to the value field of the screen element.

function deleteScreen() {
    document.getElementById('screen').value = '';

Integration with HTML and CSS

To utilize these functions, ensure you have an HTML element with the id "screen" representing the calculator display. You can find the corresponding HTML and CSS code in the files provided in the repository.