
Primary LanguageVMIT LicenseMIT

Advent of code solutions, written in V

A repository for V language solutions to Advent of Code puzzles.

Initial layout:

A directory for the year, with subdirs for each day.

Inside each day subdir, example input file for that day, and individual solutions named by the GitHub ID of the person who supplied it followed by .v to identify it as a V language file.

If you have a solution that is more complex than a single .v file, make a subdir with your GitHub ID under the appropriate year/day subdir, and place all files there.

Input file format

  1. Input file should end with file extension .input
  2. Input file should be directly copied/pasted from AoC's example input with the following standard:
    • No whitespace trimming (see Note 1 below)
    • No additional empty line
    • No personal-specific input allowed in example input file
  3. If there are multiple example inputs for different parts in a day, suffix each input file with -partX where X is part number, then follow other criteria
  4. Input file's name should relate to the corresponding AoC problem, for example: AoC 2022 Day 7 relates to unix system's file system cmd operations, therefore, you should name it filesystem.input or cmd.input

Note 1: when you add .input files, please turn off the auto trimming functionality of your editor/IDE. Some solutions require the .input files to have the exact same format that AoC uses, and trimming end lines may break them.

Note 2: there is a small script that can be used to verify that all solutions continue to work with latest V versions. You can use it by running v run verify.v in the top folder of this repository. It will produce the necessary .out files for new solutions, and you can commit them so that the CI will check that there are no regressions.

Naming convention for solutions that are split in 2 .v files for each part.

The verify.v script, supports passing the input files as stdin to your programs.

  1. If you name your solution with a suffix part1.v, then it will get the input file, that ends with part1.input in its stdin.
  2. If you name your solution with a suffix part2.v, then it will get the input file, that ends with part2.input in its stdin.
  3. In any other case, or if a matching input file is not found, you will get the first .input file in your stdin, no matter how it was named.

Note: you can use lines := os.get_raw_lines() to read the input from stdin.


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