
Test Task for Jetbrains Internship

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Running a project

  • To avoid build errors, please use node version 16.x
  • Install dependencies by navigating to the project's root folder and running the yarn install command
  • Start the development server by running the yarn start command
  • Access the server at http://localhost:5050/

Working with the project


  • Do not change the current file structure

  • Do not use jQuery

  • Do not use external layout libraries, only http://localhost:5050/layout-docs.html

  • Use only PostCSS

  • Use breakpoints from exterrnal-libs/breakpoints/index.css. You can find usage example in index.entry.pcss

  • Use CSS variables

Layout requirements

  • Adaptivity: there should be desktop, tablet and mobile versions, but use desktop-first approach
  • Cross-browser compatibility: support for all modern browsers
  • Fonts: use standard system fonts
  • When scrolling, the site menu must stick to the top browser border
  • Make product section interactive. When the name of the product is hovered over, logo should stay opaque while other elements become semi-transparent. Product names must also become links. On mobile, element transparency should not be implemented.
  • Behavior of interactive elements that are not specified in the design doc and readme.md is left up to you
  • You don't have to make forms interactive and can leave them as a static layout


  • Be sure to mention problems that you've encountered