
Performance Benchmark of top Github languages

Primary LanguageRuby

Recursive Fibonacci Benchmark using top languages on Github

Top 10: JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, C#, Php, C++, C, Shell, Ruby reference

Others: Go, Rust, Swift, Crystal, Pony, Ada, Pascal, Fortran, Kotlin, Clojure, Scala, Mono, R, Dart, Julia, D, Nim, Cython, Python3, PyPy, Ruby jit, OCaml, Lisp, Haskell, Erlang, Elixir, Escript, Dart, Scheme, Lua, Perl, Perl6, Bash, Emoji

The code performs a recursive fibonacci to the 46th position with the result of 2,971,215,073. This is the original version where the sequence starts at 1 instead of 0. 1,1,2,3,5,8...

Fibonacci can be written many different ways. The goal of this project is to compare how each language handles the exact same code.

Here is the Ruby version:

def fib(n)
  return 1 if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

puts fib(46)

Here is the Crystal version:

def fib(n : UInt64)
  return 1 if n <= 1
  fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

puts fib(46)

All tests are run on:

  • AWS EC2 - m5.large 2 vCPU
  • Processor: Intel Xeon 3.1Ghz
  • Memory: 8 GiB
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Docker Base Image: ubuntu:20.04

How to run them

You can run the tests using Docker: docker run -it drujensen/fib

By default, it will compile and run all languages 5 times. Totals are calculated by adding the average compile and run times.

To only run a subset of the languages, provide a list of extensions and optionally the count

docker run -it drujensen/fib ./run.sh cr,kt,pypy,rbjit 5

Last benchmark was ran on April 18, 2021

Natively compiled, statically typed

Language Total Compile Time, s Run Time, s Ext
C 5.842 gcc -fno-inline-small-functions -O3 -o fib fib.c 0.078 ./fib 5.765 c
Fortran 5.866 gfortran -fno-inline-small-functions -O3 -o fib fib.f03 0.104 ./fib 5.762 f03
C++ 5.872 g++ -fno-inline-small-functions -O3 -o fib fib.cpp 0.106 ./fib 5.766 cpp
D 6.047 ldc2 -O3 -release -flto=full -of=fib fib.d 0.442 ./fib 5.604 d
Assembly 6.151 gcc -no-pie -o fib fib.s 0.022 ./fib 6.129 s
Pony 6.484 ponyc -s -b fib -p ./fib.pony 0.907 ./fib 5.577 pony
Rust 6.555 rustc -C opt-level=3 fib.rs 0.380 ./fib 6.175 rs
Nim 6.696 nim c -d:danger --passC:-fno-inline-small-functions fib.nim 0.531 ./fib 6.165 nim
Ada 7.047 gnat make -O2 -gnatp -o fib fib.adb 0.195 ./fib 6.852 adb
Cython 7.116 cython -3 --embed -o fib.pyx.c fib.pyx && gcc -fno-inline-small-functions -O3 -o fib fib.pyx.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs python) 0.240 ./fib 6.877 pyx
Swift 7.283 swiftc -O -g fib.swift 0.194 ./fib 7.089 swift
V 7.605 v -cflags -fno-inline-small-functions -prod -o fib fib.v 2.076 ./fib 5.528 v
Pascal 8.084 fpc -O3 -Si ./fib.pas 0.066 ./fib 8.018 pas
Crystal 9.226 crystal build --release fib.cr 3.374 ./fib 5.852 cr
OCaml 9.746 ocamlopt -O3 -o fib fib.ml 0.079 ./fib 9.667 ml
Go 12.462 go build fib.go 0.527 ./fib 11.935 go
Haskell 12.732 rm ./fib.o && ghc -O3 -o fib fib.hs 0.002 ./fib 12.730 hs
Lisp 16.923 sbcl --load fib.lisp 1.818 ./fib 15.106 lisp
Cobol 4461.371 cobc -x -O3 -o fib ./fib.cbl 0.123 ./fib 4461.248 cbl

NOTE: DSB Boundary 64 byte alignment may affect results. See issue #129 for details.

VM compiled bytecode, statically typed

Language Total Compile Time, s Run Time, s Ext
Java 9.880 javac Fib.java 0.907 java Fib 8.972 java
Scala 10.060 scalac Fib.scala 1.661 scala Fib 8.399 scala
Kotlin 12.127 kotlinc Fib.kt -include-runtime -d Fib.jar 4.357 java -jar Fib.jar 7.771 kt
C# 14.350 dotnet build -c Release -o ./bin 2.018 dotnet ./bin/fib.dll 12.333 cs
C# (Mono) 15.860 mcs Fib.cs 0.438 mono Fib.exe 15.422 mono
Erlang 16.167 erlc +native +'{hipe,[o3]}' fib.erl 0.537 erl -noinput -noshell -s fib 15.630 erl

VM compiled before execution, mixed/dynamically typed

Language Time, s Run Ext
Dart 10.819 dart fib.dart dart
Julia 10.949 julia -O3 fib.jl jl
Escript 14.810 escript fib.es es
Lua Jit 15.896 luajit fib.lua luajit
Elixir 16.242 ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS='[native,{hipe, [o3]}]' elixir Fib.exs exs
Node 24.434 node fib.js js
Clojure 26.591 clojure -M fib.cljc cljc
Python3 (PyPy) 52.748 pypy3 fib.py pypy
Ruby (jit) 60.363 ruby --jit fib.rb rbjit

Interpreted, dynamically typed

Language Time, s Run Ext
Php 112.758 php fib.php php
Scheme 179.906 guile fib.scm scm
Ruby 179.997 ruby fib.rb rb
Lua 249.807 lua fib.lua lua
Janet 280.298 janet ./fib.janet janet
Python 485.371 python fib.py py
Python3 500.889 python3 fib.py py3
Perl 1043.080 perl fib.pl pl
Tcl 1528.249 tclsh fib.tcl tcl
R 2025.003 R -f fib.r r
Perl 6 2957.837 perl6 fib.p6 p6
Bash DNF bash fib.sh sh
Powershell DNF pwsh fib.ps1 ps1


All compilers are installed using apt or asdf on Ubuntu 20.04 docker image:

assembly (gcc) 7.4.0 bash 5.0.0 crystal 1.0.0 clojure cython 0.29.15 D (ldc2) v1.20.1 dart 2.9.3 dmd 1.20.1 dotnet-core 3.1.403 elixir 1.11.2 elm 0.19.1 erlang 23.1.2 g++ 7.4.0 gcc 7.4.0 gfortran 9.3.0 golang 1.14.1 guile 3.0.4 haskell 8.10.1 java openjdk-16 julia 1.5.0 K 3.6 kotlin 1.3.70 lisp (sbcl) 2.0.3 lua 5.3.0 luaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 mono 6.8.0 nim 1.4.2 nodejs 12.16.1 ocaml 4.11.1 pascal 3.0.4 perl 5.30.2 php 7.4.4 ponyc 0.38.1 powershell v7.0.0 python 3.8.2 R 3.6.3 rakudo 2020.01 ruby 3.0.1 rust 1.42.0 scala 2.13.5 scheme (guile) 2.2 swift 5.3.3 tcl 8.6.10 v 0.2.2