It's a MODx Revolution Extra for administrators and developers. It adds some features:
- favorite elements to the elements tree (for each user individually);
- the log of the edited elements (add a button to the topbar of the elements tree);
- ability to remember the last system settings filter parameters - namespace and area (for each user individually);
- ability to switch off check the permissions for users while building the tree. It reduces building time from 0,43s to 0,03s and amount of used memory from 6.5Mb to 5.2Mb (on my test site);
- a system setting which disables clearing the site cache while saving the resource, MODX clears only the current resource cache;
- a checkbox "Create cache" to the resource form which allows to save the resource to the cache when you save it.
- a system setting for hiding component description at "Extras" menu;
- backend users can be authorized via email. Need to do some manipulations.
- automatic log out the user if he is blocked or inactive.
- user notes. You can find it in the user menu next to other items (profile, messages, logout). Take a look.
- a tab "Resources" to the template form and a link to the template to the resource form.
- animation of the manager menu to prevent misclick.
- alternative permissions for resources (added "Permissions" tab to the resource form).
- plugin table with bound events.
- Create a new document with blank template and call the snippet "adminTools" in it. For example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="[[++cultureKey]]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=[[++modx_charset]]" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
- Write the id of this document to the system setting admintools_loginform_resource.
- Switch the system setting admintools_email_authorization to TRUE.
Now you can log in to the manager via email if you have the corresponding permission.
Use it to restrict access to the pages of the site following the rules:
- Permissions for everyone have the lowest priority.
- Permissions for user groups have a higher priority. This permissions are applied from top to bottom of the group list. To change the order of application use the priority field.
- User permissions have the highest priority.
All these features can be switched off by the corresponding system setting. Some features are disabled by default.
To be continued.