
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This is the front-end repo for Olympus that allows users be part of the future of Greece.

🔧 Setting up Local Development


git clone https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympusdao.git
cd olympusdao
yarn install
npm run start

The site is now running at http://localhost:3000! Open the source code and start editing!

Rinkeby Testing

The testnet faucet for sOHM can be found here, to retrieve test sOHM click Connect to Web3 and use function #3: dripSOHM. After connecting to web3, click Write to execute and 10 sOHM will automatically be transferred to your connected wallet.

Note: The faucet is limited to one transfer per wallet every 6500 blocks (~1 day)


The app is written in React using Redux as the state container.

The files/folder structure are a WIP and may contain some unused files. The project is rapidly evolving so please update this section if you see it is inaccurate!

├── App.jsx       // Main app page
├── abi/          // Contract ABIs from etherscan.io
├── actions/      // Redux actions 
├── assets/       // Static assets (SVGs)
├── components/   // Reusable individual components
├── constants.js/ // Mainnet Addresses & common ABI
├── contracts/    // TODO: The contracts be here as submodules
├── helpers/      // Helper methods to use in the app
├── hooks/        // Shared reactHooks
├── themes/       // Style sheets for dark vs light theme
└── views/        // Individual Views

🚀 Deployment

Auto deployed on Fleek.co fronted by Cloudflare. Since it is hosted via IPFS there is no running "server" component and we don't have server sided business logic. Users are served an index.html and javascript to run our applications.

TODO: TheGraph implementation/how/why we use it.

Continuous deployment

Commits to the follow branches are automatically deployed to their respective URLs.

Branch URL
master https://app.olympusdao.finance
deploy https://staging.olympusdao.finance

Pull Requests: Each PR into master will get its own custom URL that is visible on the PR page. QA & validate changes on that URL before merging into the deploy branch.

👏🏽 Contributing Guidelines

We keep an updated list of bugs/feature requests in Github Issues.

GitHub issues

Filter by "good first issue" to get your feet wet! Once you submit a PR, our CI will generate a temporary testing URL where you can validate your changes. Tag any of the gatekeepers on the review to merge them into master.

NOTE: For big changes associated with feature releases/milestones, they will be merged onto the develop branch for more thorough QA before a final merge to master

Defenders of the code:

Only the following people have merge access for the master branch.

🗣 Community