
ESP32 WiFi STA project skeleton with VSCode and esp-idf menu config for WiFi settings

Primary LanguageC

ESP32 WiFi STA project skeleton with basic VSCode setup and esp-idf menu config for WiFi settings

Setting up

You will need to install ESP-IDF (ESP32 SDK). You can follow the steps below or the detailed instruction on https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/get-started/#setup-toolchain.

  1. As a first step, download ESP32 toolchain: https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/stable/get-started/#setup-toolchain

  2. Get ESP-IDF: Export the environment variable IDF_PATH:

    export IDF_PATH=$HOME/<esp-idf>


Before compiling, you need to alter several settings in menuconfig. Make sure you save this file, as it will be used in the build section to configure WiFi settings.

  • Open the menuconfiguration with the command make menuconfig
  • Scroll through each section of the menu, and make these changes:
  • Serial flasher config
    • Default serial port = /dev/tty.usbserial-
  • WiFi Configuration
    • WiFi Password = YOUR PASSWORD


  1. Set path to esp-idf SDK
export IDF_PATH=$HOME/<esp-idf>
  1. Build the example:
make -j4
  1. Flash the example and open the serial terminal:
make flash && make monitor