
Backend for homey dashboard, written in flask

Primary LanguagePython


Backend server in flask for homey dashboard. Mostly used to fetch API data.


The backend runs on port 9101 by default. For example, to get JSON-formatted hourly weather for March 12th 2021:


Weather location, timezone, and Portainer API information can be configured in .env.


Get 7 days of daily weather forecast data, beginning at the current day. Each day is formatted as follows:

"day": "2021-12-05",
"precipitation": 0.1,
"temp_max": 35.8,
"temp_min": 30.5,
"weather_type": "Light Snow Showers"


Get 168 hours (7 days) of hourly weather forecast data, beginning at midnight of the current day in the configured timezone. Each hour is formatted as follows:

"precipitation": 0.002,
"snow_depth": 0,
"temp": 42.8,
"time": "12/06 6 AM",
"weather_type": "Overcast"


Get 24 hours of hourly forecast data, beginning at midnight of the specified day in the configured timezone. The day must be in the forecast (i.e. current day - 7 days in the future). If the current day is specified, the 24 hour window will begin at the start of the current hour.

"precipitation": 0.048,
"snow_depth": 0,
"temp": 51.7,
"time": "4 PM",
"weather_type": "Light Rain"

Note: Portainer and Docker backends are interchangeable. Configure in the dashboard's config.yml file. Portainer may provide more security and allows for easy remote management without exposing unsafe interfaces.


Attempt to authenticate the server with a local Portainer API. Specify host, port, username, and password in .env. Returns True if successful or already authenticated and False if the Portainer API is unreachable or login information incorrect.


Returns a list of all running docker containers and their uptime as reported by Portainer. Will attempt to portainerAuth if not already authenticated. Each container is formatted as follows:

    "name": "nextcloud",
    "status": "running",
    "uptime": "up 6 days"


Executes specified operation on specified container through Portainer. Valid operations: pause, unpause, start, stop, restart, kill. Will attempt to portainerAuth if not already authenticated. Returns an error if the container name is not found or the operation is not successful. Returns success if successful.


TODO: write about socket configuration


Returns a list of all running Docker containers and their uptime as reported by the local Docker instance's API. Each container is formatted as follows:

    "name": "nextcloud",
    "status": "running",
    "uptime": "up 6 days"


Executes specified operation on specified container through the Docker API. Valid operations: pause, unpause, start, stop, restart, kill. Returns an error if the container name is not found or the operation is not successful. Returns success if successful.


Attempts to authenticate the server with a local Flood API. Specify host, port, username, and password in .env. Returns True if successful or already authenticated and False if the Flood API is unreachable or login information incorrect.


Gets current upload/download speed and daily upload/downloaded data as reported by Flood. Will attempt to floodAuth if not already authenticated. Returns four values:

    "dailyDownloaded": "888mb",
    "dailyUploaded": "3.8gb",
    "downSpeed": "2.3mb/s",
    "upSpeed": "154kb/s"


Gets a list of all 'torrent finished' notifications from Flood. Each notification contains the torrent's name and the time it completed:

    "msg": "Nils Frahm - Old Friends New Friends (2021) - WEB FLAC",
    "time": "12/08 8:23 AM"

Project setup & configuration


  • python 3
  • flask
  • flask-cors
  • psutil


You can run homey, Portainer, and Flood side-by-side in Docker. A Docker image and user-friendly configuration will be provided upon project release. In the meantime, or if you want to run the backend locally or hack on it:

  1. git clone https://github.com/vlfldr/homey-server

  2. Fill out .env.example with your private information and rename to .env.

  3. If you're using Portainer as a Docker backend, make sure homey can see port 9000 wherever Portainer is running (map 9000:9000 if running Portainer via docker)

  4. If you're using the local Docker API backend, verify docker.sock exists at the location specified in .env. If running Homey in Docker, map /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock so Homey can communicate with the parent Docker process. Docker API backend can be specified in config.yml in homey

  5. If integrating with Flood, make sure homey can see Flood wherever the web UI is running (no additional mapping required)

  6. cd homey-server

  7. pip install psutil docker flask flask-cors

  8. python app.py

homey should now be able to talk to the homey-server backend through port 9101.