
BLog is a logger written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


BLog is a logger written in Swift.

Write log messages using Log

You can use Log type to write messages to the log. There are set of static methods, one for each log level, that takes a String:

Log.debug("Debug message")
Log.error("Error message")
Log.fatal("Fatal message")
Log.info("Info message")
Log.raw("Raw message")
Log.verbose("Verbose message")
Log.warning("Warning message")

Each method also can take a sync parameter indicating if writing to the log should be performed in the caller's thread. By default, sync is false.

Log.fatal("Fatal message", sync: true)

Write log messages using Logger

If you don't want to use static methods of Log, or you need an instance (or several instances) of a logger object that you can pass around, you can use Logger type instead.

Logger is the core interface for writing messages to the log and it looks like this:

public protocol Logger {
    func log(_ message: LogEntry.Message, _ source: LogEntry.Source?, sync: Bool)

LogEntry.Message describes a log message and LogEntry.Source contains information about the place where log message appears (source file, function, and line number).

There is an extension of Logger that provides more convenient api, so that Logger can be used like this:

let logger: Logger = //
logger.log(.debug, "Debug message")
logger.log(.fatal, "Fatal message", sync: true)

Where log messages are written?

Concrete type that implements Logger interface is LogDispatcher. LogDispatcher takes log messages and forwards them to one or more LogDestinations. You can add multiple LogDestinations to one LogDispatcher.

Simplified interface of LogDispatcher looks like this:

public final class LogDispatcher {
    public init(_ queue: DispatchQueue, _ clock: @escaping Clock = default)
    public func add(_ destination: LogDestination, _ filter: @escaping Filter = default)

And LogDestination is a protocol that looks like this:

public protocol LogDestination {
    func receive(_ entry: LogEntry) throws

There are two types of log destinations that the library provides: console and file log destinations.

About log message formatting

All information that are passed to the logger should be formatted into a string before it could be written to an output (console or file). LogEntryFormatter has the responsibility to format a LogEntry into a String.

public protocol LogEntryFormatter {
    func format(_ entry: LogEntry) -> String

There is concrete LogEntryFormatter implementation called StandardLogEntryFormatter. It takes a configuration object that you can use to modify some parameters used for formatting. There are predefined configurations for console and file log output. This is how formatted log messages look like:

// Console
23:35:31.074 | ◼️ | Hello, Log!
23:35:31.099 | ❌ | Hello, Log!
23:35:31.099 | 💀 | Hello, Log!
23:35:31.099 | 🔷 | Hello, Log!
Hello, Log!
23:35:31.099 | ◻️ | Hello, Log!
23:35:31.099 | ⚠️ | Hello, Log!

// File
05/02/2019 23:35:31.074 | Debug | Hello, Log!
05/02/2019 23:35:31.099 | Error | Hello, Log!
05/02/2019 23:35:31.099 | Fatal | Hello, Log!
05/02/2019 23:35:31.099 | Info | Hello, Log!
Hello, Log!
05/02/2019 23:35:31.099 | Verbose | Hello, Log!
05/02/2019 23:35:31.099 | Warning | Hello, Log!

Note that messages with raw log level are not formatted and are written as is.

By default, LogEntry.Source formatting is disabled. You can enable it with shouldIncludeSource property of StandardLogEntryFormatter.Configuration. With this, log messages will include #file, #function, and #line information.

23:50:43.620 | ◼️ | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:13 | Hello, Log!
23:50:43.627 | ❌ | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:14 | Hello, Log!
23:50:43.627 | 💀 | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:15 | Hello, Log!
23:50:43.627 | 🔷 | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:16 | Hello, Log!
Hello, Log!
23:50:43.627 | ◻️ | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:18 | Hello, Log!
23:50:43.628 | ⚠️ | ViewController.swift.logButtonTap:19 | Hello, Log!

Console Logger

let logger: LogDispatcher = //
let consoleDestination = FormattedLogWriter(StandardLogEntryFormatter(.console),

File Logger

To create a file logger (file log destination), you first need to create a log file configuration. The configuration specifies three things:

  • A directory url where log files will be located.
  • How many files are used in log rotation.
  • Max size of single individual file used in rotation.
guard let directoryUrl = FileManager.default.urls(
    for: .applicationSupportDirectory,
    in: .userDomainMask).first else {
        throw TextError("Failed to get application support directory")
let fileLogDirectoryUrl = directoryUrl.appendingPathComponent("Log")
let fileLogConfiguration = FileLogConfiguration(directoryUrl: fileLogDirectoryUrl,
                                                fileCount: 10,
                                                fileSize: 500_000)
// file log will have 10 files, 500kb each, 5mb overall

Next, you can create file log destination and add it to the logger.

let fileDestination = FormattedLogWriter(StandardLogEntryFormatter(.file),
let logger: LogDispatcher = //

File Log Exporting

You can export log using LogExporter. Log is exported into separate file and URL is provided in completion handler. There is also convenient method that provides contents of exported log file as Data.

public final class LogExporter {
    public func export(fileName: String, completionHandler: @escaping (URL?, Error?) -> Void)
    public func export(completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void)

To create LogExporter for exporting file log, pass it the same FileLogConfiguration used for creating file logger.

let fileLogConfiguration : FileLogConfiguration = ///
let logExporter = LogExporter(queue, FileLogAssembler(fileLogConfiguration))

Just like with writing log messages, Log also provides methods for log exporting.

Log.export(fileName: "Log.txt") { url, error in


LoggerFactory creates a pair of Logger and LogExporter with console and file destinations.

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Logger")
let fileLogConfiguration : FileLogConfiguration = ///
let (logger, logExporter) = LoggerFactory.make(queue, fileLogConfiguration)

Default Setup

Default log configuration with console and file destinations is supported by Log with setUpDefault static method.

do {
  try Log.setUpDefault()
} catch {
  print("Setup logger error: \(error)")
Log.info("Hello, Log!")

Manual Setup

Note that if you create your own Logger and/or LogExporter and want to use them through Log interface, you need to assign them to appropriate properties:

let logger = //
let logExporter = //
Log.logger = logger
Log.logExporter = logExporter
Log.info("Hello, Log!")