
Final project for Ecological Dynamics EEMB 5130

Final Project for Ecological Dynamics (EEMB 5130)

This is the work for my final project in Ecological Dynamics (Spring 2020). My work examines the effects of different statistical downscaling methods on ecological network extinction rate predictions.

Software information

This project was completed with R 3.6.3 (MacOS), using rgbif to collect species distribution data and biomod2 for species distribution modeling. SDSM downscaling was done with SDSM v 5.3.


Species distribution data was gathered from GBIF. The species distribution data gathering process is outlined in species_distributions.Rmd. The data I gathered is found in ./species_distributions/. There are .csv files containing the raw latitude longitude data for each observation I used to create absence/presence rasters.

Climate data is from the CMCC-CM2-HR4 model output (DOI).

Downscaling Methods

Simple Interpolation



Work done with the help of Dr. Tarik Gouhier for Ecological Dynamics (EEMB 5130) at Northeastern University, and with the Sustainability and Data Sciences Lab under Dr. Auroop Ganguly.