
Collection of graphs with communities and ground truth partition

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Graphs with non-overlapping communities

Collection of graphs with non-overlapping communities and ground truth partition. All graphs are transformed into GML format, labels are kept in "gt" attribute.

The biggest connected component of every graph is kept in /gml_connected_subgraphs folder.

family name n_nodes n_edges n_classes
0 as: AS Internet topology
AS Internet topology of June 2009 extracted from data collected by the archipelago active measurement infrastructure developed by Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis
Marián Boguná at al. Sustaining the internet with hyperbolic mapping (2010)
23752 58416 176
1 citeseer: CiteSeer
Citation network extracted from the CiteSeer digital library. Nodes are publications and the directed edges denote citations.
Kurt Bollacker at al. CiteSeer: An autonomous Web agent for automatic retrieval and identification of interesting publications (1998)
3327 4676 6
2 cora cora: Cora Citation Network
The original paper describes CoRA dataset with 2708 nodes.
Sen, Prithviraj, et al. Collective classification in network data (2008)
2708 5278 7
3 cora cora_full: Cora Citation Network
Nodes represent scientific papers. An edge between two nodes indicates that the left node cites the right node.
Lovro Šubelj and Marko Bajec. Model of complex networks based on citation dynamics (2013)
23166 89157 70
4 cora_full subset Artificial_Intelligence 4900 13217 11
5 cora_full subset Artificial_Intelligence__Machine_Learning 3445 10761 7
6 cora_full subset Data_Structures__Algorithms_and_Theory 1937 4457 9
7 cora_full subset Databases 1046 3186 7
8 cora_full subset Encryption_and_Compression 864 1995 3
9 cora_full subset Hardware_and_Architecture 763 1644 7
10 cora_full subset Human_Computer_Interaction 1107 2385 5
11 cora_full subset Information_Retrieval 457 1157 4
12 cora_full subset Networking 1249 4022 4
13 cora_full subset Operating_Systems 2176 8731 4
14 cora_full subset Programming 3109 10564 9
15 dolphins: Dolphin social network
An undirected social network of frequent associations between 62 dolphins in a community living off Doubtful Sound, New Zealand.
David Lusseau at al. The bottlenose dolphin community of Doubtful Sound features a large proportion of long-lasting associations (2003)
62 159 2
16 eu-core: email-Eu-core network
The network was generated using email data from a large European research institution
Jure Leskovec at al. Graph evolution: Densification and shrinking diameters (2007)
1005 16706 42
17 eurosis: EuroSiS web mapping study
Mapping interactions between Science in Society actors on the Web of 12 European countries.
1285 7524 13
18 football: American College football
Network of American football games between Division IA colleges during regular season Fall 2000.
Mark EJ Newman and Michelle Girvan. Finding and evaluating community structure in networks (2004)
115 613 12
19 karate: Zachary's karate club
Social network of friendships between 34 members of a karate club at a US university in the 1970s.
W. W. Zachary, An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups (1977)
34 78 2
20 newsgroup news_2cl1
Confusion graphs generated from the Newsgroup 20 dataset
Yen, Luh, et al. Graph nodes clustering based on the commute-time kernel (2007)
400 33854 2
21 newsgroup news_2cl2 398 21480 2
22 newsgroup news_2cl3 399 36527 2
23 newsgroup news_3cl1 600 70591 3
24 newsgroup news_3cl2 598 68201 3
25 newsgroup news_3cl3 595 64169 3
26 newsgroup news_5cl1 998 176962 5
27 newsgroup news_5cl2 999 164452 5
28 newsgroup news_5cl3 997 155618 5
29 newsgroup_0.1
Binarized weights with threshold 0.1
news_2cl1_0.1 398 2634 2
30 newsgroup_0.1 news_2cl2_0.1 398 2455 2
31 newsgroup_0.1 news_2cl3_0.1 398 3347 2
32 newsgroup_0.1 news_3cl1_0.1 599 5129 3
33 newsgroup_0.1 news_3cl2_0.1 598 5041 3
34 newsgroup_0.1 news_3cl3_0.1 595 4557 3
35 newsgroup_0.1 news_5cl1_0.1 998 11525 5
36 newsgroup_0.1 news_5cl2_0.1 999 10194 5
37 newsgroup_0.1 news_5cl3_0.1 997 9791 5
38 polblogs: Political blogs
A directed network of hyperlinks between weblogs on US politics, recorded in 2005 by Adamic and Glance.
Lada A Adamic and Natalie Glance. The political blogosphere and the 2004 US election: divided they blog (2005)
1490 19025 2
39 polbooks: Books about US politics
A network of books about US politics published around the time of the 2004 presidential election and sold by the online bookseller Amazon.com. Edges between books represent frequent copurchasing of books by the same buyers.
Mark EJ Newman. Modularity and community structure in networks (2006)
V. Krebs, unpublished, http://www.orgnet.com/
105 441 3
40 sp_school sp_school_day_1: SocioPatterns: Primary school day 1
Primary School: face-to-face proximity between students and teachers.
Juliette Stehlé at al. High-Resolution Measurements of Face-to-Face Contact Patterns in a Primary School (2011)
236 5899 11
41 sp_school sp_school_day_2: SocioPatterns: Primary school day 2 238 5539 11


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  title={Do logarithmic proximity measures outperform plain ones in graph clustering?},
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  booktitle={International Conference on Network Analysis},