
In this project, you will create a virtual “arena” in which programs will fight against one another (the “Champions”).

Primary LanguageC


In this project, you need to create a virtual “arena” in which programs will fight against one another (the “Champions”).You need also to create an assembler to compile those Champions as well as a Champion to show the world that you can create life from coffee.


Core War is a 1984 programming game created by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney in which two or more battle programs (called > > "warriors") compete for control of a virtual computer. These battle programs are written in an abstract assembly language > > called Redcode.

The project is divied in 3 parts :

  • Assembler
  • Virtual Machine
  • Champion

In this project my part of job was assembler(the goal is to make binary files for corewar virtual machine from list of assembler commands).

Example of list commands

Example output


git clone https://github.com/vlkorniienko/Corewar
cd Corewar
./asm V3M.s(to make file with .cor extension)
./corewar -v V3M.cor vm_champs/champs/Gagnant.cor

Game example