
NVIDIA CUDA™ bindings exposed in TypeScript.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


NVIDIA CUDA™ bindings exposed in TypeScript. Run kernels on the GPU from TypeScript.

Prerequisites / Requirements


npm install cuda-ts



import * as cuda from "cuda-ts";

// Get a GPU device of choice
const device = cuda.getDevices()[0];

// Create a context for the device
const context = cuda.createContext(device);

// Load the CUDA module
const mod = context.loadModule("add.cubin");

const float32Len = 4;
const valueCount = 2;
const bufLen = float32Len * valueCount;

// Allocate two buffers that will be added together by the kernel on the GPU
const buf1 = new Float32Array([12, 1032]);
const gpuBuf1 = context.allocMem(bufLen);
const buf2 = new Float32Array([3, 5]);
const gpuBuf2 = context.allocMem(bufLen);

// Allocate GPU memory for the result
const output = context.allocMem(bufLen);

// Get the function kernel
const func = mod.getFunction("add");

// Create the stream to run the kernel on (can also be 0 to indicate synchronous default stream)
const stream = cuda.createStream(cuda.CUstream_flags.CU_STREAM_NON_BLOCKING);

// Copy the host buffers to the GPU
gpuBuf1.copyHostToDevice(buf1.buffer, stream);
gpuBuf2.copyHostToDevice(buf2.buffer, stream);

// Launch the kernel on the GPU, buf2 is managed (allocated/deallocated) by cuda-ts
  [1.2, gpuBuf1, gpuBuf2, output], // The kernel parameters
  { x: valueCount, y: 1, z: 1 }, // Dimensions of grid in blocks
  { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }, // Dimensions of each thread block
  stream, // The stream to run the kernel on

// Wait for completion
const event = cuda.createEvent(cuda.CUevent_flags.CU_EVENT_DEFAULT);

// Allocate host space for the result
const outBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufLen);

// Copy the results GPU buffer to host memory
output.copyDeviceToHost(outBuffer, stream);

// Free the allocated gpu buffers

// Unload loaded module

// Destroy the GPU context

// Print the result
const view = new DataView(outBuffer);
console.log(`12 + 3 + 1.2 = ${view.getFloat32(0, true)}`);


/* Simple CUDA kernel to add two buffers */
extern "C" __global__ void add(float c, float* __restrict__ input1, float* __restrict__ input2, float* __restrict__ output) {
  output[blockIdx.x] = input1[blockIdx.x] + input2[blockIdx.x] + c;

compile add.cu using the nvcc compiler

nvcc -cubin -o add.cubin add.cu