
Primary LanguageHaskell


Hi to everyone. Welcome to my xmonad setup!


OS Manjaro
Shell ZSH + ohmyzsh
Window Manager Xmonad
Terminal Alacritty
Editor Neovim (Developer version)
Panel Xmobar
Browser Firefox

to install the following system follow this steps:

  • Run the zsh setup command:
    chmod +x zsh_setup.sh
  • Run the system setup command:
    chmod +x setup.sh

When the installation is complete you have to reboot the system and select from the session menu in the display manager

use dual or single in the terminal to switch from the single monitor to double monitor or the other way.


  • I will try to do a bash script to install everything automatically and start the same config in another machine as soon as possible. (When i have a bit of time to work on it 😅)
  • Try to switch from dmenu to Rofi app launcher.

Here are a few screenshots

Sysinfo Work Files Browser Double

Good Resources

  • how change Time Zone in linux: timezone
  • [video] how to manage your dotfiles and save it on github: dotfiles
  • [text] how to manage your dotfiles and save it on github: dotfiles manage
  • how to manage git with github, create an ssh key: ssh
  • how to manage git with github, add shh key to github: ssh2
  • good vim blogger: Vim Blogger
  • How to set emoji in alacritty terminal: alacritty emoji
  • add a composite key to have accents with US layout: US keyboard
    • set the compose key in the file /etc/default/keyboard like here comp
    • or like here comp

A special thanks to DistroTube from which i took inspiration.