Productivity shortcuts & settings



  • Command + tab: open new tab
  • Command + number or Command + ->/<-: move between tabs (who needs tmux!!)
  • Command + d: open split pane horizontal
  • Shift + Command + d: split pane vertical
  • ctrl + d: close this iterm pane
  • Shift + arrow key: move between panes (I customized this by going to Preferences/profiles/Keys and add shortcuts for Previous Pane and Next Pane)
  • Cmd + K: equivalent to $ clear in terminal

Hotkey Window

To configure ITerm 2 hot key window.

  1. Open iTerm2
  2. Go to preference > Keys > Hotkey
  3. "Create a Dedicated HotKey Window"
  4. On the Hotkey, choose the shortcut by holding Ctrl and h. Then click ok to create
  5. Ctrl + h to open use hotkey window
  6. Set background image randomly. Download file from to ~/Downloads. Then go to iterm2 Preferences/profiles/general and add the execution code osascript ~/Downloads/iterm2-random-background.scpt (I think osa means os Apple?) in "Send text at start".

Cool things to configure

  1. Configure iterms to either be transparent or use background image. (Preferences>profile>(select the correct profile)>windows)
  2. Use the ubuntu colors! (Preferences>profile>colors)
  3. Use ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" in the .zshrc file. May have to install oh-my-zsh.

Remap keys In iterm2, go to Preferences/keys/keybindings then we can add custom key binding. For example, I want to remap cmd + / to gc. I'll do cmd + / in the keyboard shortcut, and select send hex code. To find out the hex code for gc, I use the app Key Codes in Mac and type gc in the app. The code is the last part of unicode. For example, g is 0x67 and c is 0x63.

Some random cool terminal apps




shortcuts. - shift+left, shift+right to go back and go forward (in url) - command+left, command+right to move between tabs. - Note: there're some issues with command on a new tab: crittermike/shortkeys#44. The solution is to use Chrome native shortcut UI via this extension. See bottom of this page Basically, need to go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts and configure the shortcut there instead. chrome://extensions/configureCommands



  • Open spotlight search Cmd + Space

  • Open new iterms at this folder Shift + Cmd + Option + N

  • Undo Command + Z

  • Redo Command + Shift + Z

  • In finder, do Shift + Cmd + G: to be able to navigate to hidden folders

  • Cmd + Tab switch between apps.

Cool apps


Window manager. It shows all the shortcuts in the app. Move left/right, move top left/right, move bottom left/right, move center, move full-screen

Mac Spaces & Mission Control

  • Ctrl + Up: see the mission control to create new workspaces
  • Ctr + <-/->: Moving between spaces
  • Ctr + Down: see all instances of this app (e.g. multiple windows of Chrome)


  • To delete apps resolutely from Mac

List of cool apps:


Replacement for Spotlight search.


Free alternative for Alfred

CursorEffect 2

Make the mouse look pretty


Capture the typed keys

Istat Menu

Display stuff like weather, cpu, memory usages in the top bar.


Disable lid sleep. Used to be good for stuff like training ML models over night on Jupyter notebook, and we want to disable Mac autosleep.

Aerial companion

Beautiful desktop and screensaver based on Apple 4K video TV.


Arrange the menu bar/hide application. Free alternative to Bartender.

Weather live widget (appstore)

Slick app to display weather / current temperature on the menu bar.



To change keyboard shortcuts. Open command palette and search for keyboard shortcuts

Trick to find out what the command's name for a key binding. E.g. I don't know what the name of the command associated with Cmd + W. Go to keyboard shortcuts, search for tab and pick a random tab command that has no key binding. Then, try to add Cmd + W key binding to it. VSCode will warn that there are already existing commands and you can see what they are. Alternatively, put the command in bracket and search in keyboards i.e. search for "cmd + w"

Useful reference:

  • Open command Palette Cmd + Shift + P

  • Go to File (Search for files in this project) Cmd + p

  • Toggle the sidebar Cmd + b

  • Go to symbol in workplace (search for variables) Cmd + t

  • Search

    • Cmd + f: within a file
    • Cmd + Shift + F: within all files (in this project)
  • File: New Untitled File Cmd + n

  • Delete file "Cmd + Delete" when clicking on the file from the explorer (Cmd + b)

  • Move between panes Cmd + 1, Cmd + 2

    • Custom shortcuts: Cmd + left, Cmd + right (arrow key) to move between windows (name of commands view:focus left/right editor group.
  • Close window (Delete Tab) Cmd + W

  • split editor Cmd + \

  • Open new external monitor Shift + Cmd + C

  • Jump tabs Within a pane

    • Shift + Cmd + [
    • Shift + Cmd + ]
    • Custom map now to shift+left, shift+right (name of commands view: open previous/next editor)
  • Resizing panes. I customized it to

    • Shift = (i.e. + sign) to increase current view size (name of command).
    • - (i.e. - sign) to decrease current view size.
  • Move lines Option + up or down

  • Select mutiple lines Shift + arrow keys

  • Move lines up down Option + up/down arrows

  • Move files from one split window to another (

    • workbench.action.moveEditorToNextGroup View: Move Editor into Next Group: remapped to -> + ->
    • workbench.action.moveEditorToPreviousGroup View: Move Editor into Previous Group: remapped to <- + <-
  • highlight code and then do Cmd + / to comment or uncomment code (generally works for sublime and other editors than Vscode as well!)


  1. Make vscode transparent by installing vibrancy. Can see through the background
  2. Use bearded or spotify or github themes
  3. Use the (anime) background extension
  4. (Of course) use vim extension (with vimrc linked! Can config this in user settings)
  5. Use github copilot (It's insanely smart. Holy smoke!)
  6. Use extensions for specific language (e.g. Python, Javascript suppport have separate extensions).



  • Move to end of line $

  • Move to the end of line and enter insert Shift + a

  • Move to the beginning of line 0

  • Move to the beginning of line and enter insert Shift + i

  • New line below and insert o

  • New line above and insert Shift + o

  • All the yank and delete stuff

    • y, d
    • yy: yank line
    • dd: delete line
      • Shift-D (preferred) or Shift-$: delete the rest of the line
    • p: paste
    • yw: yank word
    • yiw: yank (inner) word.
    • Similarly,
    • dw, diw, vw, viw (visual select word).
      • NOTE: we can use cw, cc instead of dw, dd to delete AND jump into insert mode
  • The difference between yw and yiw is that for yw you need to be at the beginning of the word. For yiw, you can be in a character inside a word.

  • Some cool thing to do with v,i,d,c. Say, I want to delete the args x,y,z of def fun(x,y,z). I can go to somewhere within the bracket and do di( or di) to delete or ci( or ci) to delete and enter insert mode (so that I can type in other args e.g.).

  • Undo u

  • Redo Ctrl + r

  • Go to definition (e.g. of a function, variable...) gd

  • Go to the file under cursor: gf (useful to look up import statements). Can use ctrl+w gf to open the file in a new tab or ctrl+w f to open in new split

  • next tab: gt

  • prev tab: gT

  • Jump back to prev location ("old" for old) Ctrl + o

  • Jump forward to next location Ctrl + i

  • Jump back to the prev files: ctrl + ^. Useful for toggling between two files that you're editting at once. (useful when first used with fzf to open the second file).

  • Code folding

    • zc: close
    • zo: open
    • za: toggle the the fold
    • zr: reduce fold level (open)
    • zm: increase fold level (close)
    • zR: open all folds
    • zM: close all folds
  • Go to the top gg

  • Go to bottom Shift + g

  • Move to next/back brackets Shift + [, Shift + ]

  • Search the current word under cursor. (jump to the next occurence)

  • Repeat last change in normal mode (work for stuff like dw) .

  • @: repeat last command entered with :something.

  • When searching

    • n: to next
    • shift + n : to go back
  • When doing auto-completion

    • shift + n: go to the next suggestion
    • shift + p: previous suggestion
  • Insertion

    • i: insert before cursor

    • a: insert after cursor

    • s: delete word and enter insert mode

    • x: delete word

    • Shift + i: insert beginning of line

    • Shift + a: insert end of line

    • f + character: jump on that character within this line

    • t + character: jump to before character within this line

      • as usual in vim, Shift + something is going backward so we can do stuff like shift + f, shift + t, shift + tab (in suggestion) and shift + s (in the sneak pluggin)
    • Use ; to repeat the t and f jumps. , to go backward.

  • e: get to the end of a word

  • %: jump to matching brackets like (, ) or {, }

  • tip: deleting args of function?

    • when already at the beginning of the bracket. Use d t then ) (or whatever bracket symbol you want).
    • At the beginning of the line, hit "shift + %" to jump to the bracket. Then ca] to delete everything inside the bracket including the brackets themselves. Use ci] to delete only the things inside and keep the bracket. c is for delete and enters insert mode. Replace ] by whatever bracket type you have (e.g. ), })
  • Ctrl + a: increment a number under cursor

  • Ctrl + x: decrement a number under cursor

  • Shift + ~ : toggle capitalization of word

  • Capitalize the whole word:

    • Shift + v: to visualize highlight the word
    • Then, Shift + U: to capitalize the word
  • Marking

    • use ma to mark the location of the current line to register a.
    • Then later use 'a to go back to that location.
    • Use capital letter (e.g. mA) to mark across files!



  • :sp or :split for horizontal pane split
  • :vs or :vsplit for vertical split
  • :q or Ctrl+w C to close the pane
  • Ctrl+w s: horizontal split
  • Ctrl+w v: vertical split
  • ctrl+o: close every panes except the current one
  • ctrl+w =: equal size panes
  • ctrl+w r: rotate panes (switch the positions of the panes)

Sourcing files

:so nameOfTheFile in vim to source a .vimrc or something.vim file or :so % to source the current file



Macros: combinations of keys

Store macros to register

  1. qa (store to register a)
  2. then type some command
  3. q finish recording macro
  4. @a repeat last op from register

Terminal Neovim (and vim) has terminal. Use ctrl+\ ctrl+n to leave the terminal (insert) mode. Do :terminal to open in new tab or :split | terminal or :vsplit | terminal to open in new split. Trick: (Primageon) when there's an error message coming from file we can put the cursor under the file and hit ctrl+w f to go to that file


# # for fzf fuzzy finder. Download from
 source ~/Downloads/fzf_zsh/completion.zsh
 source ~/Downloads/fzf_zsh/key-bindings.zsh
# # ctrl+r : search through command history
# # ctrl+t : search through files (NOT folder)
# # normally, alt+c search through folders. But iterm2 and Mac
# # are usually weird with alt/option key.
# # A solution is to do `bindkey "ç" fzf-cd-widget` where "ç" is
# # the character from hitting alt+c. 
# # Issues: Mac search folder can't access `Documents` folder.
bindkey "ç" fzf-cd-widget
# #,find%20files%20and%20change%20directories.
# # Use fd with fzf. And now, we have access to `Documents` folder!
# # --hiden to search hidden files
# Also, see
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --type file --hidden --follow --color=always --exclude .git"
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ansi"
# Use "-H" to search hidden 
# folders
export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="fd -H -t d"
  • Tcomment_vim: In visual mode, type gc to comment/uncomment code block. But most other editors use cmd + / to comment code so I map cmd + / to gc using the iterm2 trick. (see above in iterm2 remap trick). Note that Vim also doesn't support the cmd key.
  • Vim_airline: for awesome status bar at the end.

Install color theme

Download a something.vim from github. Then put that into ~/.vim/colors. Then, we can use ":colorscheme something" to set the color.

Primageon The goat!! More navigation


Configure the file .vimrc in the root directory


Neovim also supports github copilot! It's also easy to sync vim and neovim configs Only need to put the following

set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath=&runtimepath
source ~/.vimrc

in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim file.