
Primary LanguageGo


Try to murder IronMQ, can log or write stats out to InfluxDB v0.9x


"IronMonger" by [1]. Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia

Getting started

$ go get -u github.com/vlopatkin/monger
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vlopatkin/monger && go build
$ ./monger --help

Running on IronWorker

Install IronCLI and Docker on your dev box first.

$ docker build -t $YOUR_DOCKERHUB_HANDLE/monger:v0 .
$ docker push $YOUR_DOCKERHUB_HANDLE/monger:v0
$ iron register $YOUR_DOCKERHUB_HANDLE/monger:v0 -host mq-host.iron.io -t $token -p $project_id
$ iron worker queue $YOUR_DOCKERHUB_HANDLE/monger

Running local performance tests

Test results will be written into the logs folder. Prerequisites are Docker and Golang. Be patient, it take quite a long time.
