
Buildroot utils (check-package) packaged as pre-commit.com hook

Primary LanguageShell

Buildroot utils with pre-commit

This is a Python package that installs Buildroot utils. Currently only check-package utility (for linting Buildroot code style) is packaged.

This repo doesn't contain Buildroot utils — utilities are fetched from Buildroot Git repo while Python package is installed.

There is an extra lint-buildroot script which detects whether linted directory contains external.desc file (which is a marker for br2 external tree) and calls check-package with or without --br2-external option.

Using with pre-commit

check-package can be used as pre-commit hook (add following snippets to .pre-commit-config.yaml).

Use lint-buildroot hook to autodetect Buildroot top tree vs br2 external tree and run check-package:

- repo: https://github.com/vlotorev/buildroot-utils
  rev: main  # replace with latest SHA of this repo
    - id: lint-buildroot

Use check-package hook to run check-package directly:

- repo: https://github.com/vlotorev/buildroot-utils
  rev: main  # replace with latest SHA of this repo
    - id: check-package
      args: [--br2-external, --exclude, Sob, <whatever>]

To give it a try with pre-commit without creating .pre-commit-config.yaml:

pre-commit try-repo https://github.com/vlotorev/buildroot-utils lint-buildroot --all-files --verbose