
Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

cljs lein-npm example

Clojurescript based reference SPA on Heroku using node express, bootstrap, reactjs/reagent and Kioo templates, demonstrating "isomorphic" clojurescript shared between frontend and backend and Figwheel hotloading code changes to both.

Deploy to Heroku

Fork on github as a starting point for your own projects. A goal is to turn this into a Leiningen template.

Run Locally

To start a server on your own computer:

lein do clean, deps, compile
lein run

Point your browser to the displayed local port. Click on the displayed text to refresh.

Deploy to Heroku

To start a server on Heroku:

heroku apps:create
git push heroku master
heroku open

This will open the site in your browser.

Development Workflow

Start figwheel for interactive development with automatic builds and code loading:

lein figwheel app server

Wait until Figwheel is ready to connect, then start a server in another terminal:

lein run

Open the displayed URL in a browser. Figwheel will push code changes to the app and server.


Copyright © 2015 Terje Norderhaug

Based on an app concept by Marian Schubert.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.