Supplementary material regarding the article entitled "DMI Influence on the Integration, Leakage and Threshold Property of Domain Wall based Neurons".
In particular:
The folder DW_Leaking_40nmTrack_DMI0d1em3 contains some material about the simulation of the Leaking of the DW in the 40 nm wide track when the DMI coefficient is 0.1x10^-3 mJ/m^2:
- the .mx3 script used to run the simulation in Mumax;
- the plots of the Demagnetization, Anisotropy, Exchange and Total energies;
- a gif of the movement of the DW along the track. Each second corresponds to 1 ns of the simulation.
The folder LIFNeuron_DMI0d1em3_CurrentPulse_On8ns_Off40ns contains some material about the simulation of the response to current pulses of the LIF neuron, for a DMI coefficient of 0.1x10^-3 mJ/m^2 and current pulses of 7e11 A/m^2:
- the .mx3 script used to run the simulation in Mumax;
- a gif of the movement of the DW along the track. Each second corresponds to 1 ns of the simulation.
The folder VCMA_barrier contains the .mx3 sample script used to run the simulation. Moreover, some extracted results are reported.