
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a "Goat" project so you can get familiar with REST API testing. There is an included Postman project so you can see how everything is meant to be called. If you encounter any components of the API which don't work correctly, please create an Issue for them.

How To:

Make sure you can run pipenv. On Macs, this easily is installed once homebrew is installed. Hit up Teams for how to install homebrew (or Google it).

  1. pipenv shell
  2. pip install flask
  3. export FLASK_APP=server.py
  4. flask run

If everything went ok, you should have the Goat running on localhost:5000. Try to load the following URL in your brower and look for a basic "Hello" page:


How To (Docker)

  1. docker build -t rest-api-goat:latest .
  2. docker run -d -p 5000:5000 rest-api-goat
  3. Test at http://localhost:5000/


You have been given the following credentials:

API Token Company Number
vfuzd2nvaweojqolm4kq 1
ek9chlb4t96sncbr9dgx 1
x6oici7wh3prgx34fxo1 2
7eojwd75kqd80m4sm169 2
jyrvm14k9tvdiesxwgku 3

API tokens are typically provided as header values; see the Postman collection for examples of how these tokens are used.

API overview:

This API models a multi-tenant banking API. Banks have API tokens they use to authenticate with the API. Banks should only be able to see information about their own customers, and shouldn't be able to determine the balance of customers of another bank.

The server-side code is written in Python (using Flask) and data persistence is handled by SQLite. (You can think of this as a SQL server.)

API Methods:

Basic Methods:


This is a basic method that checks if your token is good and tells you stuff about your current user.

Get Customers

This method shows you all the customers of your bank and their balances

Get Customer v1

Used to get information about one specific customer. It was not implemented correctly and a new developer was hired to fix its security problem.

Get Customer v2

This is the new version that the new developer claims fixes the issue from v1 and is now secure. Is it?

Create Access Token

Creates a new access token tied to the current user's company. A bank might use this to give each API client they own a unique ID.

Delete Token

Deletes an access token. (Known bug: you can delete all of a company's access tokens. If you do this and can't get back in, run python install_db.py to reset everthing.)


All transfers are a 3-step process. First, a transfer is created. It contains information about who is sending money, who is receiving it, and how much.

Next, the banks wanted a way to batch all the transfers together. They thought this would be better than processing each one individually. Decisions about whether or not the transfer is valid are made here.

Finally, transfers are completed individually. Why banks wanted this instead of batching the entire transaction together is not explained in any documentation.

Create Transfer

The money sender, money receiver, and ammount are submitted. The server will accept anything for which the JSON is valid and possesses the required information. Don't expect error checking at this step.

Process Transfers

Takes all transfers in the "CREATED" state and determines if they should be submitted or not. Returns a list of ID values which were accepted ("pending") and which ones were rejected ("failed"). Customer balances are not changed.

Confirm Transfer

Takes an ID value and completes the transfer if it's in the PENDING state. This step changes customer balances and transfers the money.

Get Tranfers

Shows a list of all transfers in the system and their state. API clients can also filter on state, such as "CREATED", "PENDING", or "COMPLETE".

What to Test for:

The answer to this question always starts with "What is this API's threat model?" If you're Billy Badguy, what kind of things would you want to do? Billy Badguy doesn't want to live in his friend's basement anymore, but he doesn't want a job either. How's he going to get rent money?

See the "Guide" folder of this project for clues and hints. See what you can figure out without help first!