Certification platform for storing and categorization of experts' hard & soft skills used to unite community in emergency situations.
Application for the citizens who want to collaborate into a safe community.
Play around it: https://game.certificado.one
Source code: https://github.com/rieset/odyssey-challenge-app
Watch App 2.0 MVP concept
Certification tool for validating experts by voting.
Play around it: https://steun.certificado.one
Source code: https://github.com/rieset/odyssey-challenge-cert
Suitable tool to manage emergency situations in the city.
Source code: https://github.com/rieset/odyssey-challenge-geo
Transparent and anonymous storage for certificates based on Waves blockchain.
Source code: https://github.com/rieset/odyssey-challenge-cert/blob/master/contracts/certificates.ride
Deployed smart contract: https://testnet.wavesexplorer.com/address/3Mvbw1Sx9xtM6akJrBPorkPpp4B3sJRFPFX/data