Sumber Utama Project ini adalah SaaS Multi Tenant konsep.. utk SaaS nya sendiri sudah berjalan, sedangkan dalam project ini akan dibuat single sistem.. tanpa multi tenant, module mengambil dari module-module yang ada di SaaS yang sudah berjalan. untuk versi iOS Native mungkin baru akan release tahun depan setelah versi SaaS mobilenya release publik termasuk HRISnya.
This Project will be update completed soon. Current project not use Multi Tenancy and Multi Database, Multi Tenancy and Multi Database with custom Domain on private repo and only separate user have to access with agreement.
ViMa is a suite of web based open source business apps.
Built on Laravel 8.
The Main ViMa Apps will be include :
Advance Management (FOSS),
Warehouse Management ,
Project Management,
Finance & Accounting (FOSS),
Billing & Management,
Sales Management,
Human Resources,
Procurement Management ,
Manufacturing ,
Asset Management
Must be add on server :
For Development to client please clone with branch nama "global" ready to used & implementation. if you want to add some feature to global repo please add tag "global" in end of your new branch.
Aplikasi ini ditujukan supaya Indonesia mempunyai ERP yang dapat dibanggakan dan memberdayakan sumber daya dan potensi anak-anak muda Indonesia.
- Clone this Project git clone "this repo"
- composer install
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan db:seed
For a standard installation please follow the Setup instructions from the documentation.
To learn the software, we recommend the ViMa eLearning, or Scale-up. Developers can start with the developer tutorials